.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【开篇】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【入门必看】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【实体配置】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【Db First】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【Code First】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【数据事务】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【连接池】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【查询目录】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【查询基础】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【排序用法】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【分组去重】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【联表查询】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【导航查询】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【子查询】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【嵌套查询】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
1.1 无外键开箱就用
其它ORM导航查询 需要 各种配置或者外键,而 SqlSugar 则开箱就用,无外键,只需配置特性和主键就能使用
1.2 高性能优
查询 性能非常强悍版本进行了性能优化
3.3 语法超级爽
var list=db.Queryable<Test>().Includes(t=> t.Provinces, pro=>pro.Citys ,cit=>cit.Street) //多层级.Includes(t=> t.ClassInfo)// 一个层级查询.ToList(); //具体用法看下面文档介绍//多层级可以看2.5
适合有主键的常规操作, 请升级到5.0.6.8
2.1.1 一对一 ( one to one )
public class StudentA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsIdentity = true)]public int StudentId { get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }public string SexCode { get;set;}public int SchoolId { get; set; }//用例1:主键模式 StudentA(主表)表中的 SchoolId 和SchoolA(子表)中的主键关联 [Navigate(NavigateType.OneToOne, nameof(SchoolId))]//一对一 SchoolId是StudentA类里面的public SchoolA SchoolA { get; set; } //不能赋值只能是null//用例2:反向导航,2个字段匹配关系 [Navigate(NavigateType.OneToOne,nameof(SchoolId),nameof(SchoolA.Id))]//变量名不要等类名 public SchoolA SchoolItem { get; set; } //不能赋值只能是null//第一个主表字段,第二从表字段 顺序不要错了//用例3: 字典导航 多了个SQL条件参数 //[SqlSugar.Navigate(NavigateType.OneToOne,nameof(SexId),nameof(DataDictionary1.Code),"type='sex'")]//具体用法可以看配置查询 https://www.donet5.com/Home/Doc?typeId=2309}
public class SchoolA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsIdentity = true)]public int Id{ get; set; }public string SchoolName { get; set; }
} //导航+主表过滤 导航属性过滤
var list = db.Queryable<StudentA>().Includes(x => x.SchoolA) //填充子对象 (不填充可以不写).Where(x =>x.SchoolA.SchoolName=="北大") .ToList();//导航+主表过滤 只查有导航数据 (新功能:
var list = db.Queryable<StudentA>().Includes(x => x.SchoolA) //填充子对象 (不填充可以不写).Where(x => SqlFunc.Exists(x.SchoolA.主键)).ToList(); //导航+子表过滤 请注意升级
public static List<T> Where<T>(this T thisValue, Func<T,bool> whereExpression ) where T:class,new()
{return new List<T>() { thisValue };
var list = db.Queryable<Student_003>().Includes(x => x.school_001.Where(z=>z.Name=="a").ToList())//扩展的Where对子表进行过滤.ToList(); // 才支持 请注意升级 请注意升级//导航 指定字段
var list = db.Queryable<StudentA>().Includes(x => x.SchoolA.ToList(it=>new SchoolA(){ Name =it.Name,id=it.Id})) .ToList(); //只查一个字段写法1:
var list = db.Queryable<StudentA>().Where(x => x.id>1) //Where和Select中别名要写一样.Select(x =>new { x=x,SchoolName= x.SchoolA.SchoolName}).ToList();//只查一个字段写法2:
[Navigate(NavigateType.OneToOne, nameof(SchoolId))]
public SchoolA SchoolA { get; set; }
public string SchoolName{get=>this.SchoolA?.Name;}//?防止空引用
多字段1对1 看文档2.4
2.1.2 多对一 (many to oney)
//第一个参数:当前表字段 //第二个参数: 子表中字段[Navigate(NavigateType.OneToOne,nameof(WorkOrderId),nameof(Wo.Id))]public Wo Wo { get; set; }//不要给get set赋值//也可以这样[Navigate(NavigateType.ManyToOne,nameof(WorkOrderId),nameof(Wo.Id))]public Wo Wo { get; set; }//不要给get set赋值
2.2 一对多 ( one to many)
BookA(子表)中的 studenId 和 StudentA(主表)中的主键关联
public class StudentA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsIdentity = true)]public int Id{ get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }public int SchoolId { get; set; }//用例1:正常一对多[Navigate(NavigateType.OneToMany, nameof(BookA.studenId))]//BookA表中的studenIdpublic List<BookA> Books { get; set; }//注意禁止给books手动赋值//用例2:反向导航支持:StudentA没有主键或者指定关系[Navigate(NavigateType.OneToMany, nameof(BookA.studenId),nameof(Id))] public List<BookA> Books { get; set; }//注意禁止给books手动赋值//与一对一相反 第一个 从表字段,第二个主表字段}
public class BookA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsIdentity = true)]public int BookId { get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }public int studenId { get; set; }
var list = db.Queryable<StudentA>()
.Includes(x => x.Books)
.ToList();//例2:支持Any和Count 对主表进行过滤 (子对象过滤看下面)
var list = db.Queryable<StudentA>()
.Includes(x => x.Books)
.Where(x => x.Books.Any())
//.Where(x => x.Books.Any(z=>z.Name=="jack")))
.ToList();//例3: 没有Includes也可以使用过滤
var list2 = db.Queryable<StudentA>()
.Where(x => x.Books.Any())//Any中可以加条件 Any(z=>z.BookId==1)
.ToList(); //例4 Where子对象进行排序和过滤 (支持WhereIF)
var list = db.Queryable<StudentA>().Includes(x => x.Books.Where(y => y.BookId > 0).OrderBy(y => y.BookId).ToList()).ToList();//例5 主表+子表都过滤
var list = db.Queryable<StudentA>()
.Includes(x => x.Books.Where(it=>it.Name=="jack").ToList())//只过滤子表
.Where(x => x.Books.Any(z=>z.Name=="jack")))//通过子表过滤主表
var list= db.Queryable<StudentA>().Includes(x => x.Books.Select(z=>new BookA() { Names = z.Names }).ToList()) //例7:Select多层级 (结构:StudentAt->books->BookItems)
var list= db.Queryable<StudentA>().Includes(x => x.Books.Select(z=>new BookA(){Names=z.Name}.ToList(),it=>BookItems)) .ToList();、//Includes中的Select只能是字段 ,不能导航对象 //例8:OrderBy指定字段 (Skip Take可以分页)
var list= db.Queryable<StudentA>().Includes(x => x.Books.OrderBy(z=>z.Id).ToList()) .ToList();//例9:Take取前几条
var list= db.Queryable<StudentA>().Includes(x => x.Books.Take(10).ToList()) .ToList(); //例10:DTO支持进行了强化
看标题2.7 //例11:一对多后还可用追加字段映射MappingField 如果以前是1个字关联,现在追加后就成了1+1
db.Queryable<StudentA>().Includes(x => x.Books.MappingField(z=>z.字段,()=>x.字段).ToList() ).ToList();
//MappingField 和 Where区别
//MappingField MappingField用来指定2个对象的关系,Where只能当前表过滤不能和主表进行关联
//MappingField 可以多个也可以和Where一起始用
非标准1对多 看文档2.4
2.3 多对多 ( many to many)
public class ABMapping1
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]//中间表可以不是主键public int AId { get; set; }[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]//中间表可以不是主键public int BId { get; set; }
public class A1
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsIdentity = true)]public int Id { get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }[Navigate(typeof(ABMapping1), nameof(ABMapping1.AId), nameof(ABMapping1.BId))]//注意顺序public List<B1> BList { get; set; }//只能是null不能赋默认值
public class B1
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsIdentity = true)]public int Id { get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }[Navigate(typeof(ABMapping1), nameof(ABMapping1.BId), nameof(ABMapping1.AId))]//注意顺序public List<A1> AList { get; set; }//只能是null不能赋默认值
//例1:简单用法 直接填充B的集合,只要配置好特性非常简单
var list3= db.Queryable<A1>().Includes(x => x.BList).ToList(); //例2:支持子对象排序和过滤 (支持WhereIF)
var list3= db.Queryable<A1>().Includes(x => x.BList.Where(z=>z.Id>0).ToList()).ToList(); //例3:支持主表过滤 Any和Count
var list3= db.Queryable<A1>().Includes(x => x.BList).Where(x=>x.BList.Any())//Any里面可以加条件 Any(z=>z.xxxx>0).ToList();//例4主表+子表都过滤
var list = db.Queryable<StudentA>().Includes(x => x.BList.Where(it=>it.Name=="jack").ToList())//只过滤子表.Where(x => x.BList.Any(z=>z.Name=="jack")))//通过子表过滤主表.ToList(); //不使用Includes一样可以过滤
var list3= db.Queryable<A1>() .Where(x=>x.BList.Any()) //可以加条件.Where(x=>x.BList.Any(z=>z.xxx==x.yyy)).ToList(); //A表和B表不是主键情况多了2个参数
//升级到: SqlSugarCore
[Navigate(typeof(OptRole), nameof(OptRole.operId), //中间表 aidnameof(OptRole.roleId),//中间表 bidnameof(OperatorInfo.id),//a表 idnameof(Role.id2))] //b表idpublic List<Role> Roles { get; set; }//四参数重载只支持查询
2.4 多字段关系映射
支持多个字段关联 (可以是N个)
var list=db.Queryable<UnitAddress011>().Includes(x => x.Persons).ToList();//m是主表字段 c是子表字段 是一个json数组 格式不要错了
[Navigate(NavigateType.Dynamic, "[{m:\"Id\",c:\"AddressId\"},{m:\"Id2\",c:\"AddressId2\"}]")]
public List<UnitPerson011> Persons { get; set; }
2.5 多级导航
public class StudentA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]public int StudentId { get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }public int SchoolId { get; set; }[Navigate(NavigateType.OneToOne, nameof(SchoolId))]//一对一public SchoolA SchoolA { get; set; }[Navigate(NavigateType.OneToMany, nameof(BookA.studenId))]//一对多public List<BookA> Books { get; set; }//只能是null不能赋默认值}
public class SchoolA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]public int SchoolId { get; set; }public string SchoolName { get; set; }[Navigate(NavigateType.OneToMany, nameof(RoomA.SchoolId))]//一对多public List<RoomA> RoomList { get; set; }//只能是null不能赋默认值
}public class RoomA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]public int RoomId { get; set; }public string RoomName { get; set; }public int SchoolId { get; set; }
public class BookA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]public int BookId { get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }public int studenId { get; set; }
} var list2 = db.Queryable<StudentA>()//查2层.Includes(st => st.SchoolA, sch=> sch.RoomList)//查询2级(等于EF ThenInclude)//查1层.Includes(st=> st.Books) .ToList()
//说明: 一对多 多对多 一对多 只要配好了都可以多层级使用//如果想超过3个层级需要.AsNavQueryable()
2.6 性能优化
1、升级 如果搜索不到勾选预览版本 + 版本针对大数据导航有了很好的性能优化 +又进行了一次优化 ,主表一次查一万以上建议升级
底层分批量查询 适合一次性查询 1000 条以上的导航
var list = new List<Tree1>();db.Queryable<Tree1>().Includes(it => it.Child).ForEach(it => list.Add(it), 300); //每次查询300条
2.7 转DTO (必学的技巧)
1. 自动DTO (推荐 )
//Mapster 工具映射 (推荐) 比AutoMapper方便不需要配置
var list=db.Queryable<StudentA>().Includes(x => x.Books).ToList();
var dtoList=list.Adapt<List<StudentDTO>>()//技巧示例:这个用法必学通过规则映射DTOpublic class TreeDTO{public int Id { get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }public int ParentId { get; set; }public string ParentName { get; set; }//对应Parent中的Name}
public class Tree{[SqlSugar.SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]public int Id { get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }public int ParentId { get; set; }[Navigate(NavigateType.OneToOne,nameof(ParentId))]public Tree Parent { get; set; }
}var list= db.Queryable<Tree>().Includes(it => it.Parent) .ToList();//DTO和List不能是同一个类不然这种映射会失效var dtolist= list.Adapt<List<TreeDTO>>();//DTO中的ParentName就有值了
2. 手动转DTO 升级:
老版本注意:是 Select 中用导航对象
var list = db.Queryable<Student_004>().Includes(x => x.books).Select(x => new Student_004DTO{books = x.books }, true)//true是自动映射其他属性,匿名对象需要手动.ToList();//Mapster转换
var list = db.Queryable<Student_004>().Includes(x => x.books).Select(x => new Student_004DTO{name=x.Name,books = x.books.Adapt<List<BooksDTO>>() //导航对象用 Mapster转换 (NUGET安装)}).ToList(); //DTO中用方法
var list = db.Queryable<Student_004>().Includes(x => x.books).Select(x => new Student_004DTO{name=x.Name, //导航对象books可以是C#任何方法结尾bookIds=x.books.Select(it=>it.id).ToList(), booksDto=x.books.Select(it=>new BookDTO(){ id=it.Id,Name=it.Name }).ToList()}).ToList(); //联表查询用DTO写法
var list5= db.Queryable<Student_004>().Includes(x => x.school_001, x => x.rooms).Includes(x => x.books).LeftJoin<Order>((x, y) => x.Id==y.sid).Select((x,y) => new Student_004DTO{SchoolId = x.SchoolId,books = x.books,school_001 = x.school_001,Name=y.Name}).ToList();
2.8 导航方法
在我们一对多和多对多对象我们可以用导航方法 Any() 和导航方法 Count
//注意:不需 Includes 就可以使用
Where(it=>it..导航对象.Any(List<IConditionalModel>)//5.1 //Count用法类似
//注意:不需 Includes 就可以使用
2.9 2个同级 Root->books->[A,B]
如果 Books下面有2个导航 A 和 B
.IncludesAllSecondLayer(x=>x.Books) //自动只能有这么多层次,更深层级需要手动写法//手动写法
.Includes(x => x.Books,x=>x.A)
.Includes(x => x.Books,x=>x.B)
var list5= db.Queryable<Student_004>().Includes(x => x.school_001, x => x.rooms).Includes(x => x.books).LeftJoin<Order>((x, y) => x.Id==y.sid).Select((x,y) => new Student_004DTO{SchoolId = x.SchoolId,books = x.books,school_001 = x.school_001,Name=y.Name}).ToList();
手动映射适合没有主键或者复杂的一些操作,该功能和 Includes 文档 2.4比较接近
4.1 创建数据
public class StudentA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]public int StudentId { get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }public int SchoolId { get; set; }[SugarColumn(IsIgnore = true)]public SchoolA SchoolA { get; set; }
}public class SchoolA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]public int SchoolId { get; set; }public string SchoolName { get; set; }[SugarColumn(IsIgnore = true)]public List<RoomA> RoomList { get; set; }[SugarColumn(IsIgnore = true)]public List<TeacherA> TeacherList { get; set; }
public class TeacherA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]public int Id { get; set; }public int SchoolId { get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }
public class RoomA
{[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]public int RoomId { get; set; }public string RoomName { get; set; }public int SchoolId { get; set; }
db.CodeFirst.InitTables<StudentA, RoomA, SchoolA,TeacherA>();
db.Insertable(new RoomA() { RoomId = 1, RoomName = "北大001室", SchoolId = 1 }).ExecuteCommand();
db.Insertable(new RoomA() { RoomId = 2, RoomName = "北大002室", SchoolId = 1 }).ExecuteCommand();
db.Insertable(new RoomA() { RoomId = 3, RoomName = "北大003室", SchoolId = 1 }).ExecuteCommand();
db.Insertable(new RoomA() { RoomId = 4, RoomName = "清华001厅", SchoolId = 2 }).ExecuteCommand();
db.Insertable(new RoomA() { RoomId = 5, RoomName = "清华002厅", SchoolId = 2 }).ExecuteCommand();
db.Insertable(new RoomA() { RoomId = 6, RoomName = "清华003厅", SchoolId = 2 }).ExecuteCommand();db.Insertable(new SchoolA() { SchoolId = 1, SchoolName = "北大" }).ExecuteCommand();
db.Insertable(new SchoolA() { SchoolId = 2, SchoolName = "清华" }).ExecuteCommand();db.Insertable(new StudentA() { StudentId = 1, SchoolId = 1, Name = "北大jack" }).ExecuteCommand();
db.Insertable(new StudentA() { StudentId = 2, SchoolId = 1, Name = "北大tom" }).ExecuteCommand();
db.Insertable(new StudentA() { StudentId = 3, SchoolId = 2, Name = "清华jack" }).ExecuteCommand();
db.Insertable(new StudentA() { StudentId = 4, SchoolId = 2, Name = "清华tom" }).ExecuteCommand();db.Insertable(new TeacherA() { SchoolId=1, Id=1, Name="北大老师01" }).ExecuteCommand();
db.Insertable(new TeacherA() { SchoolId = 1, Id =2, Name = "北大老师02" }).ExecuteCommand();db.Insertable(new TeacherA() { SchoolId = 2, Id = 3, Name = "清华老师01" }).ExecuteCommand();
db.Insertable(new TeacherA() { SchoolId = 2, Id = 4, Name = "清华老师02" }).ExecuteCommand();
4.2 手动实现二层
注意:普通导航看标题2 , ThenMapper 是用来处理 普通导航不能实现的功能
结构: Student->SchoolA
var list = db.Queryable<StudentA>().ToList();//这儿也可以联表查询
db.ThenMapper(list, stu =>
{//如果加Where不能带有stu参数,stu参数写到 SetContext//可以用Where写SetContext但是不能带有stu对象stu.SchoolA=db.Queryable<SchoolA>().SetContext(scl=>scl.SchoolId,()=>stu.SchoolId,stu).FirstOrDefault();//可以联查询的//stu.xxxx=db.Queryable<SchoolA>().LeftJoin<XXX>().Select(xxxx).SetContext(....).ToList();
// SetContext不会生成循环操作,高性能 和直接Where性能是不一样的
注意:1、如果没有 SetContext 那么这个查询将会循环
2、 db.ConextId 外面和里面需要是同一个
4.3 联表导航多层级
注意:普通导航看标题2, ThenMapper 是用来处理 普通导航不能实现的功能
了解原理后我们用 ThenMapper 想映射哪层就映射哪层
var treeRoot=db.Queryable<Tree>().Where(it => it.Id == 1).ToList();
db.ThenMapper(treeRoot, item =>
{item.Child = db.Queryable<Tree>().SetContext(x => x.ParentId, () => item.Id, item).ToList();
db.ThenMapper(treeRoot.SelectMany(it=>it.Child), it =>
{it.Child = db.Queryable<Tree>().SetContext(x => x.ParentId, () => it.Id, it).ToList();
db.ThenMapper(treeRoot.SelectMany(it => it.Child).SelectMany(it=>it.Child), it =>
{it.Child = db.Queryable<Tree>().SetContext(x => x.ParentId, () => it.Id, it).ToList();
//这儿只是用树型结构来证明可以实现无限级别导航查询 ,实际开发中树型结构用ToTree实现
public class Tree
[SqlSugar.SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey =true)]
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int ParentId { get; set; }
[SqlSugar.SugarColumn(IsIgnore = true)]
public Tree Parent { get; set; }
[SqlSugar.SugarColumn(IsIgnore = true)]
public List<Tree> Child { get; set; }
// SetContext不会生成循环操作,高性能 和直接Where性能是不一样的
新功能 : 请升级到5.0.6.7 预览版本 及以上
通过实体 AOP 方法实现,具体用法看实体配置
EntityService= (type, columnInfo) =>
{p.IfTable<Order>().OneToOne(it => it.Item, nameof(Order.ItemId));
第二层的所有导航自动 Include (不支持第三层和第四层)
var list3 = db.Queryable<UnitaStudentA>().IncludesAllFirstLayer().ToList();//有重载可以排除不想要的//排除说明://IncludesAllFirstLayer(nameof(UnitaStudentA.ProjectPhases)) //这样就是排除ProjectPhases的导航属性//可以排除多个//IncludesAllFirstLayer("a","b") //自动导航如果有重复的情况: 谁在前面执行哪个
var list3 = db.Queryable<UnitaStudentA>().Includes(it=>it.Order.Where(s=>s.id==1).ToList()).IncludesAllFirstLayer().ToList();//自动导航和Order重复//根据名字导航
可以看下图 自动导航替换了下面注释代码
第一层it下面的通过 IncludesAllFirstLayer 全自动
第二层 (it.ProjectTransferDocs) 通过 IncludesAllSecondLayer 半自动。三层四级需要全部手动
9、兼容EF CORE 非List<T>的导航
vra list=db.Queryable<Order>().Includes(it=>it.导航对象.ToList())//通过.ToList()转成SqlSugar导航类型就行.ToList();
var dis=db.Queryable<UnitTestDis<Cat>>().Includes(x => x.Animals).ToList();//T是Cat那么就能导航Catvar dis2 = db.Queryable<UnitTestDis<Dog>>().Includes(x => x.Animals).ToList();//T是Dog那么就能导航Dog
.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【开篇】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【入门必看】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【实体配置】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【Db First】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【Code First】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【数据事务】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【连接池】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【查询目录】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【查询基础】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【排序用法】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【分组去重】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【联表查询】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【导航查询】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【子查询】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列
- 【嵌套查询】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列