- 单表查询
- 一、单表查询
- 1.1 简单查询
- 1.2where
- 1.3group by
- 1.4having
- 1.5order by
- 1.6limit
SELECT DISTINCT(去重) 字段1,字段2… FROM 表名
WHERE 筛选条件
LIMIT 限制显示条数
这些关键词的执行顺序是:from(选出记录)、where、group by、having、select(根据指定字段保留记录内容)、distinct、order by、limit
1.1 简单查询
select * from t1;
select name,age from t1;#对查询的出版社去重
select distinct publish from t1;#带运算和as的查询
select name,score*100 as Score from t2;#带函数的查询
select concat("名字:",name) as student_name,concat("分数:",score) as student_score from t3;
select concat_ws(":",name,score) as student from t3;#case的分支语句
select ( case when score>85 then '优秀' when score>60 then '合格' else '不合格' end) as new_score from t3;
select score from t1 where name='张三';#多条件查询select score_Math,score_English from t1 where name='张三';#between and表示区间[a,b]
select name from t1 where score between 60 and 100;#not表示取反
select name from t1 where score not between 60 and 100;#is null表示判断字段是否为空,需要注意的是''不是null
select name form t1 where score is null;
select name form t1 where score is not null;#in表示处于某个范围
select name from t1 where score=100 or score=90 or score=80;
select name from t1 where score in [100,90,80];#like表示模糊查询,_表示任意字符,%表示任何数量的字符
select name from t1 where score like '8_';
select score from t1 where name like '张%';#regexp表示正则表达式,正则表达式的内容不再介绍了,不了解的可以参考下面的链接
select score from t1 where name regexp '张.+';
1.3group by
group by用于对数据进行分组,分组的目的是将数据中某一字段的相同内容进行归类,并对归类后的数据进行一系列的操作。例如要计算每个部门的平均薪资就需要先对部门进行分组,然后对薪资字段使用avg函数聚合。
| id | name | salary | department |
| 1 | 王五 | 9000 | IT |
| 2 | 张三 | 10000 | IT |
| 3 | 李四 | 6000 | 销售 |
| 4 | 赵六 | 6500 | 销售 |
select department,name from t1 group by department;which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by#只对部门进行分组
select department from t1 group by department;
| department |
| IT |
| 销售 |
select department,group_concat(name) from t1 group by department;
| department | group_concat(name) |
| IT | 王五,张三 |
| 销售 | 李四,赵六 |
select department,avg(salary) from t1 group by department;
| department | avg(salary) |
| IT | 9500.0000 |
| 销售 | 6250.0000 |
select department,count(name) from t1 group by department;
| department | count(name) |
| IT | 2 |
| 销售 | 2 |
+------------+-------------+#补充:聚合函数也可以不跟group by,直接使用
mysql> select sum(salary) from t1;
| sum(salary) |
| 31500 |
| id | name | salary | department |
| 1 | 王五 | 9000 | IT |
| 2 | 张三 | 10000 | IT |
| 3 | 李四 | 6000 | 销售 |
| 4 | 赵六 | 6500 | 销售 |
select department,avg(salary) from t1 group by department having avg(salary)>9000;
| department | avg(salary) |
| IT | 9500.0000 |
1.5order by
order by用于排序,其中asc表示升序,desc表示降序。(默认为升序)
| id | num | score |
| 1 | 10101 | 90 |
| 2 | 10102 | 88 |
| 3 | 10103 | 90 |
select * from t1 order by score desc,num asc;
| id | num | score |
| 1 | 10101 | 90 |
| 3 | 10103 | 90 |
| 2 | 10102 | 88 |
| id | num | score |
| 1 | 10101 | 90 |
| 2 | 10102 | 88 |
| 3 | 10103 | 90 |
| 4 | 10104 | 70 |
| 5 | 10105 | 100 |
| 6 | 10106 | 79 |
+----+-------+-------+# 查询学号为10101的同学成绩
select * from t1 limit 1;
| id | num | score |
| 1 | 10101 | 90 |
+----+-------+-------+# 查询成绩的第二第三名
#limit 1,2表示从第一条记录开始向后显示两条记录(记录从0开始计数)
select * from t1 order by score desc limit 1,2;
| id | num | score |
| 1 | 10101 | 90 |
| 3 | 10103 | 90 |