滞环一般应用于控制策略制定,该原件类似于一个开关,当输入值大于设置的high input threshold Value时输出high out value;小于low input threshold value时输出low output value。若输出值在high input threshold Value与low input threshold value之间输出上一秒的历史输出值。而初始值在high input threshold Value与low input threshold value之间则输出initial output value对应的输出值。具体应用与注意事项说明如下:
1)The low threshold value for the input must be less than the high value.
2)The low output value must be less than the high value.
3)The initial output value is used only if the input signal is between the 2 threshold values at the beginning of the simulation. In this case, there is no history to determine which output value to set. The figure below shows these 2 possible starting points in green.
仅当输入信号在仿真开始时的 2 个阈值之间时,才使用初始输出值。在这种情况下,没有历史记录来确定要设置的输出值。此时设置初始值仅可以是下图以绿色显示这 2 个可能的起点值。
4)If the input is greater than or equal to a high threshold value, the output is at a high level. If the input is less than or equal to a low threshold value, the output is at a low value. If the input is between the two thresholds, the output will be at high or low level according to the scheme illustrated in the icon.
5)Note that, if the input signal is between the 2 threshold values at the beginning of the simulation, there is no history to determine which output value to set. The output in these circumstances will be set to the level specified by the user.
请注意,如果输入信号在仿真开始时介于 2 个阈值之间,则没有历史记录来确定要设置的输出值。这些情况下的输出将设置为用户指定的级别对应的输出值。