定义一个抽象类Structure(含有纯虚函数type函数,用以显示当前结构的类型; 含有show函数),
在此基础上派生出Building类, 用来存储一座楼房的层数、房间数以及它的总平方米数。 建立派生
using namespace std;class Structure {//抽象类
public:virtual void type() = 0;virtual void show() = 0;//(3)纯虚函数,Structure类族动态多态性
};class Building :public Structure {
protected:int floor;//记录层数int room;//记录房间数int square;//记录平方米数
public:Building(int f = 1, int r = 0, int s = 0) {this->floor = f;this->room = r;this->square = s;cout << "the constructor function of Building has been called" << endl;//验证(2)构造函数调用顺序return;}~Building() {cout << "the destructor function of Building has been called" << endl;//验证(2)析构函数调用顺序}
public:virtual void type() {cout << "The type is Building" << endl;return;}virtual void show() {//(3)虚函数,Structure类族动态多态性cout << "floor:" << floor << endl;cout << "room:" << room << endl;cout << "square:" << square << "m^2" << endl;return;}
};class House :public Building {
protected:int bedroom;//记录卧室数int bathroom;//记录浴室数量
public:House(int floor = 1, int room = 0, int square = 0, int bedroom = 0, int bathroom = 0):Building(floor, room, square) {//重载构造函数(参数表法)this->bedroom = bedroom;this->bathroom = bathroom;return;}~House() { }
public:void type() {cout << "The type is House" << endl;}void show() {cout << "floor:" << floor << endl;cout << "room:" << room << endl;cout << "bedroom:" << bedroom << endl;cout << "bathroom" << bathroom << endl;cout << "square:" << square << "m^2" << endl;return;}
};class Office :public Building {
protected:int hydrant;//记录灭火器数int telephone;//记录电话数
public:Office(int floor = 1, int room = 0, int square = 0, int hydrant = 0, int telephone = 0):Building(floor, room, square) {//重载构造函数(参数表法)this->telephone = telephone;this->hydrant = hydrant;cout << "the constructor function of Office has been called" << endl;//验证(2)构造函数调用顺序return;}~Office() {cout << "The destructor function of Office has been called" << endl;//验证(2)析构函数调用顺序};
public:friend void operator<<(ostream&, Office&);//(4)运算符重载函数声明,流插入运算符只能重载为友元函数
public:void type() {cout << "The type is Office" << endl;}void show() {cout << "floor:" << floor << endl;cout << "room:" << room << endl;cout << "hydrant:" << hydrant << endl;cout << "telephone" << telephone << endl;cout << "square:" << square << "m^2" << endl;return;}
public:void document() {//(5)文件读写操作ofstream outfile("d:\\office.txt", ios::out);if (!outfile) {cerr << "OPEN ERROR!" << endl;exit(1);}outfile << "floor:" << floor << endl;outfile << "room:" << room << endl;outfile << "hydrant:" << hydrant << endl;outfile << "telephone" << telephone << endl;outfile << "square:" << square << "m^2" << endl;return;}
void operator <<(ostream& output, Office& of) {//(4)重载运算符,用于直接输出office类cout << "floor:" << of.floor << endl;cout << "room:" << of.room << endl;cout << "hydrant:" << of.hydrant << endl;cout << "telephone" << of.telephone << endl;cout << "square:" << of.square << "m^2" << endl;return;
}int main() {Building bu(2, 3, 100);House ho(2, 4, 100, 3, 2);Office of(3, 10, 300, 5, 4);//(1)测试部分程序bu.show();bu.type();cout << endl;ho.show();ho.type();cout << endl;of.show();of.type();cout << endl;//(4)测试部分程序cout << of;//直接输出office类成员cout << endl;//(5)测试部分程序of.document();return 0;