import turtle
import random
- 定义一个Block类,用于表示游戏中的方块,包含颜色和形状。
class Block:def __init__(self, color, tiles):self.color = colorself.tiles = tiles
- 定义了7个不同的Block对象,分别代表游戏中的7种不同的方块,每种方块都有其特定的颜色和形状。
I = Block("cyan", [[[1, 0, 0, 0],[1, 0, 0, 0],[1, 0, 0, 0],[1, 0, 0, 0]],[[0, 0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 0, 0],[1, 1, 1, 1]]])J = Block("blue", [[[0, 1, 0],[0, 1, 0],[1, 1, 0]],[[0, 0, 0],[1, 1, 1],[0, 0, 1]],[[1, 1, 0],[1, 0, 0],[1, 0, 0]],[[0, 0, 0],[1, 0, 0],[1, 1, 1]]])L = Block("orange", [[[1, 0, 0],[1, 0, 0],[1, 1, 0]],[[0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 1],[1, 1, 1]],[[0, 1, 1],[0, 0, 1],[0, 0, 1]],[[0, 0, 0],[1, 1, 1],[1, 0, 0]]])S = Block("lime", [[[0, 0, 0],[0, 1, 1],[1, 1, 0]],[[1, 0, 0],[1, 1, 0],[0, 1, 0]]])Z = Block("red", [[[0, 0, 0],[1, 1, 0],[0, 1, 1]],[[0, 1, 0],[1, 1, 0],[1, 0, 0]]])O = Block("yellow", [[[1, 1],[1, 1]]])T = Block("magenta", [[[0, 0, 0],[0, 1, 0],[1, 1, 1]],[[0, 1, 0],[1, 1, 0],[0, 1, 0]],[[0, 0, 0],[1, 1, 1],[0, 1, 0]],[[1, 0, 0],[1, 1, 0],[1, 0, 0]]])
tile_size = 25
map_rows = 20
map_cols = 10
map_x = -125
map_y = 250
map_turtle = turtle.Turtle()
map_turtle.up()game_map = [["" for _ in range(map_cols)] for _ in range(map_rows)]active_block = None
active_block_row = 0
active_block_col = 0
active_block_index = 0block_turtle = turtle.Turtle()
block_turtle.up()game_update_interval = 250score = 0
score_turtle = turtle.Turtle()
score_turtle.goto(170, 210)
score_turtle.write("Score: " + str(score), font=("Calibri", 20, "bold"))game_over_turtle = turtle.Turtle()
def draw_box(t, width, height, pencolor, fillcolor):t.color(pencolor, fillcolor)t.down()t.begin_fill()for _ in range(2):t.forward(width)t.right(90)t.forward(height)t.right(90)t.end_fill()t.up()
def draw_map():map_turtle.clear()for row in range(map_rows):for col in range(map_cols):map_turtle.goto(map_x + tile_size * col, map_y - tile_size * row)draw_box(map_turtle, tile_size, tile_size, "black",game_map[row][col].color if game_map[row][col] else "mintcream")
def make_new_block():global active_blockglobal active_block_row, active_block_colglobal active_block_indexactive_block = random.choice((I, J, L, S, Z, O, T))active_block_row = 0active_block_col = 4active_block_index = 0
def draw_block():block_turtle.clear()# Find the x and y position of the blockx = map_x + active_block_col * tile_sizey = map_y - active_block_row * tile_sizeblock_tiles = active_block.tiles[active_block_index]block_color = active_block.colorfor row in range(len(block_tiles)):for col in range(len(block_tiles[row])):if block_tiles[row][col] == 1:block_turtle.goto(x + col * tile_size, y - row * tile_size)draw_box(block_turtle, tile_size, tile_size, "black", block_color)
def is_valid_block(block_type, block_row, block_col, block_index):block_tiles = block_type.tiles[block_index]for row in range(len(block_tiles)):for col in range(len(block_tiles[row])):if block_tiles[row][col] == 1:if block_row + row not in range(0, map_rows):return Falseif block_col + col not in range(0, map_cols):return Falseif game_map[block_row + row][block_col + col] != "":return Falsereturn True
def set_block_on_map():block_tiles = active_block.tiles[active_block_index]for row in range(len(block_tiles)):for col in range(len(block_tiles[row])):if block_tiles[row][col] == 1:game_map[active_block_row + row][active_block_col + col] = active_blockdraw_map()r = 0
def remove_completed_rows():global game_mapglobal scoreglobal game_update_intervalglobal rnew_map = []for row in range(len(game_map)):game_row = game_map[row]if "" in game_row:new_map.append(game_row)else:score += 10score_turtle.clear()score_turtle.write("Score: " + str(score), font=("Calibri", 20, "bold"))r += 1if r == 5:game_update_interval = int(game_update_interval / 1.1)r = 0for row in range(0, map_rows - len(new_map)):game_row = ["" for _ in range(map_cols)]new_map.insert(0, game_row)game_map = new_mapdraw_map()# Task: increase the score and difficulty when a row is completedpause = False
def game_loop():global active_block, active_block_rowif active_block is None:make_new_block()if not is_valid_block(active_block, active_block_row, active_block_col, active_block_index):active_block = Nonegame_over_turtle.write("Game over!", align="center", font=("Calibri", 60, "bold"))returndraw_block()else:if is_valid_block(active_block, active_block_row + 1, active_block_col, active_block_index):if not pause:active_block_row += 1draw_block()else:set_block_on_map()active_block = Noneremove_completed_rows()turtle.update()# Set the next updateturtle.ontimer(game_loop, game_update_interval)# Set up the turtle window
turtle.setup(800, 600)
turtle.tracer(False)# Draw the background border around the map
turtle.goto(map_x - 10, map_y + 10)
draw_box(turtle, tile_size * map_cols + 20, tile_size * map_rows + 20, \"", "lightslategray")# Draw the empty map in the window
turtle.update()# Set up the game loop
turtle.ontimer(game_loop, game_update_interval)def rotate():global active_block_indexif active_block is None:returnnew_block_index = (active_block_index + 1) % len(active_block.tiles)if is_valid_block(active_block, active_block_row, active_block_col, new_block_index):active_block_index = new_block_indexdraw_block()turtle.onkeypress(rotate, "Up")def move_left():global active_block_colif active_block is None:returnif is_valid_block(active_block, active_block_row, active_block_col - 1, active_block_index):active_block_col -= 1draw_block()turtle.onkeypress(move_left, "Left")def move_right():global active_block_colif active_block is None:returnif is_valid_block(active_block, active_block_row, active_block_col + 1, active_block_index):active_block_col += 1draw_block()turtle.onkeypress(move_right, "Right")def drop():global active_block_rowif active_block is None:returnwhile is_valid_block(active_block, active_block_row + 1, active_block_col, active_block_index):active_block_row += 1draw_block()turtle.onkeypress(drop, "Down")def pause_game():global pausepause = not pauseturtle.onkeypress(pause_game, "space")def change_block_type():global active_blockglobal active_block_indexnew_block = random.choice((I, J, L, S, Z, O, T))new_block_index = 0if is_valid_block(new_block, active_block_row, active_block_col, new_block_index):active_block = new_blockactive_block_index = new_block_indexdraw_block()turtle.onkeypress(change_block_type, "c")turtle. Listen()
代码来自微信公众号python顾木子吖 感兴趣的小伙伴可以关注一下
import turtle
import randomclass Block:def __init__(self, color, tiles):self.color = colorself.tiles = tilesI = Block("cyan", [[[1, 0, 0, 0],[1, 0, 0, 0],[1, 0, 0, 0],[1, 0, 0, 0]],[[0, 0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 0, 0],[1, 1, 1, 1]]])J = Block("blue", [[[0, 1, 0],[0, 1, 0],[1, 1, 0]],[[0, 0, 0],[1, 1, 1],[0, 0, 1]],[[1, 1, 0],[1, 0, 0],[1, 0, 0]],[[0, 0, 0],[1, 0, 0],[1, 1, 1]]])L = Block("orange", [[[1, 0, 0],[1, 0, 0],[1, 1, 0]],[[0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 1],[1, 1, 1]],[[0, 1, 1],[0, 0, 1],[0, 0, 1]],[[0, 0, 0],[1, 1, 1],[1, 0, 0]]])S = Block("lime", [[[0, 0, 0],[0, 1, 1],[1, 1, 0]],[[1, 0, 0],[1, 1, 0],[0, 1, 0]]])Z = Block("red", [[[0, 0, 0],[1, 1, 0],[0, 1, 1]],[[0, 1, 0],[1, 1, 0],[1, 0, 0]]])O = Block("yellow", [[[1, 1],[1, 1]]])T = Block("magenta", [[[0, 0, 0],[0, 1, 0],[1, 1, 1]],[[0, 1, 0],[1, 1, 0],[0, 1, 0]],[[0, 0, 0],[1, 1, 1],[0, 1, 0]],[[1, 0, 0],[1, 1, 0],[1, 0, 0]]])tile_size = 25
map_rows = 20
map_cols = 10
map_x = -125
map_y = 250map_turtle = turtle.Turtle()
map_turtle.up()game_map = [["" for _ in range(map_cols)] for _ in range(map_rows)]active_block = None
active_block_row = 0
active_block_col = 0
active_block_index = 0block_turtle = turtle.Turtle()
block_turtle.up()game_update_interval = 250score = 0
score_turtle = turtle.Turtle()
score_turtle.goto(170, 210)
score_turtle.write("Score: " + str(score), font=("Calibri", 20, "bold"))game_over_turtle = turtle.Turtle()
game_over_turtle.color("red")def draw_box(t, width, height, pencolor, fillcolor):t.color(pencolor, fillcolor)t.down()t.begin_fill()for _ in range(2):t.forward(width)t.right(90)t.forward(height)t.right(90)t.end_fill()t.up()def draw_map():map_turtle.clear()for row in range(map_rows):for col in range(map_cols):map_turtle.goto(map_x + tile_size * col, map_y - tile_size * row)draw_box(map_turtle, tile_size, tile_size, "black",game_map[row][col].color if game_map[row][col] else "mintcream")def make_new_block():global active_blockglobal active_block_row, active_block_colglobal active_block_indexactive_block = random.choice((I, J, L, S, Z, O, T))active_block_row = 0active_block_col = 4active_block_index = 0def draw_block():block_turtle.clear()# Find the x and y position of the blockx = map_x + active_block_col * tile_sizey = map_y - active_block_row * tile_sizeblock_tiles = active_block.tiles[active_block_index]block_color = active_block.colorfor row in range(len(block_tiles)):for col in range(len(block_tiles[row])):if block_tiles[row][col] == 1:block_turtle.goto(x + col * tile_size, y - row * tile_size)draw_box(block_turtle, tile_size, tile_size, "black", block_color)def is_valid_block(block_type, block_row, block_col, block_index):block_tiles = block_type.tiles[block_index]for row in range(len(block_tiles)):for col in range(len(block_tiles[row])):if block_tiles[row][col] == 1:if block_row + row not in range(0, map_rows):return Falseif block_col + col not in range(0, map_cols):return Falseif game_map[block_row + row][block_col + col] != "":return Falsereturn Truedef set_block_on_map():block_tiles = active_block.tiles[active_block_index]for row in range(len(block_tiles)):for col in range(len(block_tiles[row])):if block_tiles[row][col] == 1:game_map[active_block_row + row][active_block_col + col] = active_blockdraw_map()r = 0def remove_completed_rows():global game_mapglobal scoreglobal game_update_intervalglobal rnew_map = []for row in range(len(game_map)):game_row = game_map[row]if "" in game_row:new_map.append(game_row)else:score += 10score_turtle.clear()score_turtle.write("Score: " + str(score), font=("Calibri", 20, "bold"))r += 1if r == 5:game_update_interval = int(game_update_interval / 1.1)r = 0for row in range(0, map_rows - len(new_map)):game_row = ["" for _ in range(map_cols)]new_map.insert(0, game_row)game_map = new_mapdraw_map()# Task: increase the score and difficulty when a row is completedpause = Falsedef game_loop():global active_block, active_block_rowif active_block is None:make_new_block()if not is_valid_block(active_block, active_block_row, active_block_col, active_block_index):active_block = Nonegame_over_turtle.write("Game over!", align="center", font=("Calibri", 60, "bold"))returndraw_block()else:if is_valid_block(active_block, active_block_row + 1, active_block_col, active_block_index):if not pause:active_block_row += 1draw_block()else:set_block_on_map()active_block = Noneremove_completed_rows()turtle.update()# Set the next updateturtle.ontimer(game_loop, game_update_interval)# Set up the turtle window
turtle.setup(800, 600)
turtle.tracer(False)# Draw the background border around the map
turtle.goto(map_x - 10, map_y + 10)
draw_box(turtle, tile_size * map_cols + 20, tile_size * map_rows + 20, \"", "lightslategray")# Draw the empty map in the window
turtle.update()# Set up the game loop
turtle.ontimer(game_loop, game_update_interval)def rotate():global active_block_indexif active_block is None:returnnew_block_index = (active_block_index + 1) % len(active_block.tiles)if is_valid_block(active_block, active_block_row, active_block_col, new_block_index):active_block_index = new_block_indexdraw_block()turtle.onkeypress(rotate, "Up")def move_left():global active_block_colif active_block is None:returnif is_valid_block(active_block, active_block_row, active_block_col - 1, active_block_index):active_block_col -= 1draw_block()turtle.onkeypress(move_left, "Left")def move_right():global active_block_colif active_block is None:returnif is_valid_block(active_block, active_block_row, active_block_col + 1, active_block_index):active_block_col += 1draw_block()turtle.onkeypress(move_right, "Right")def drop():global active_block_rowif active_block is None:returnwhile is_valid_block(active_block, active_block_row + 1, active_block_col, active_block_index):active_block_row += 1draw_block()turtle.onkeypress(drop, "Down")def pause_game():global pausepause = not pauseturtle.onkeypress(pause_game, "space")def change_block_type():global active_blockglobal active_block_indexnew_block = random.choice((I, J, L, S, Z, O, T))new_block_index = 0if is_valid_block(new_block, active_block_row, active_block_col, new_block_index):active_block = new_blockactive_block_index = new_block_indexdraw_block()turtle.onkeypress(change_block_type, "c")turtle.listen()turtle.done()