%% 视频流循环处理
% 创建一个循环过程来对给定视频进行车道线检测
% 该循环使用之前初始化的系统对象
warningTextColors = {[1 0 0], [1 0 0], [0 0 0], [0 0 0]};
while ~isDone(hVideoSrc) RGB = step(hVideoSrc);% 选择输入视频的下部(限制视野)Imlow = RGB(NumRows+1:end, :, :);% 边缘检测和Hough变换Imlow = rgb2gray(Imlow); % Convert RGB to intensityI = imfilter(Imlow, [-1 0 1], 'replicate','corr'); %imfilter函数:对任意类型数组或多维图像进行滤波% 设置饱和值为0到1之间I(I < 0) = 0;I(I > 1) = 1;th = multithresh(I); % 计算门槛[H, Theta, Rho] = hough(I > th);% 将角度制变量Theta转换成弧度制Theta = Theta * pi / 180;% 峰值检测H1 = H;% 删除H中满足下列条件的矩阵: theta < -78 deg and theta >= 78 degH1(:, 1:12) = 0;H1(:, end-12:end) = 0;Idx1 = houghpeaks(H1, ExpLaneNum, 'NHoodSize', [301 81], 'Threshold', 1);Count1 = size(Idx1,1);% 根据峰值来选择Rhos和ThetasLine = [Rho(Idx1(:, 1)); Theta(Idx1(:, 2))];Enable = [ones(1,Count1) zeros(1, ExpLaneNum-Count1)];% 跟踪一组标记了的车道线[Rep_ref, Count_ref] = videolanematching(Rep_ref, Count_ref, ...MaxLaneNum, ExpLaneNum, Enable, Line, ...TrackThreshold, frameFound+frameLost);% 将极值点转换到笛卡尔坐标系Pts = step(hHoughLines1, Rep_ref(2,:), Rep_ref(1,:), Imlow);% 检测是否有向左或向右的车道偏离[TwoValidLanes, NumNormalDriving, TwoLanes, OutMsg] = ...videodeparturewarning(Pts, Imlow, MaxLaneNum, Count_ref, ...NumNormalDriving, OutMsg);% 输出信息的含义: % 0 = 向右离开当前车道% 1 = 正常驾驶% 2 = 向左离开当前车道% 检测车道线的颜色和类别YCbCr = rgb2ycbcr(double(RGB(NumRows+1:240, :, :)));ColorAndTypeIdx = videodetectcolorandtype(TwoLanes, YCbCr);% 变量ColorAndTypeIdx的含义:% 无效的颜色或类别 = int8(0); % 黄虚线 = int8(1);% 黄实线 = int8(2); % 白虚线 = int8(3);% 白实线 = int8(4).% 输出Frame = Frame + 1;if Frame >= 5TwoLanes1 = TwoLanes + [offset; offset]';if DrawPoly && TwoValidLanesif TwoLanes(4,1) >= 239Templ = TwoLanes1(3:4, 1);elseTempl = [0 239]';endif TwoLanes(4,2) >= 239Tempr = TwoLanes1(3:4, 2);elseTempr = [359 239]';endPts_poly = [TwoLanes1(:,1); Templ; Tempr; ...TwoLanes1(3:4,2); TwoLanes1(1:2,2)];% 在车道区域绘制多边形RGB = insertShape(RGB,'FilledPolygon',Pts_poly.',...'Color',[0 1 1],'Opacity',0.2); end% 绘制车道线RGB = insertShape(RGB,'Line',TwoLanes1',...'Color',{'yellow','magenta'});% 插入车道变更警告文本 (空文本不会被绘制)txt = warnText{OutMsg+1};txtLoc = warnTextLoc(OutMsg+1, :);txtColor = single(warningTextColors{mod(Frame-1,4)+1});RGB = insertText(RGB,txtLoc,txt,'TextColor', txtColor, ...'FontSize',20, 'BoxOpacity', 0);% 插入描述车道线的颜色和种类信息的文本for ii=1:2% 空文本不会被绘制txtLoc = TwoLanes1([1 2], ii)' + int32([0 -35]);lineTxt = lineText{ColorAndTypeIdx(ii)};txtColor = LaneColors(ColorAndTypeIdx(ii), :);RGB = insertText(RGB,txtLoc,lineTxt,'TextColor',txtColor, ...'FontSize',14, 'BoxOpacity', 0);end% 如果有必要,绘制第三条车道线if OutMsgPre ~= OutMsgColorType = ColorAndTypeIdx(2-(OutMsg == 2));Broken = ColorType == 2 || ColorType == 4;endShowThirdLane = Broken && (OutMsg~=1);if ShowThirdLaneif OutMsg == 0% 寻找位于右边的第三条车道线Idx2 = houghpeaks(H(startIdxRho_R:startIdxRho_R+NumRhos_R-1, ...startIdxTheta_R:startIdxTheta_R+NumThetas_R-1), ...'NHoodSize', [7 7], 'Threshold', 1);Rhor = Rho(Idx2(:,1) + startIdxRho_R);Thetar = Theta(Idx2(:,2) + startIdxTheta_R);ThirdLane = step(hHoughLines3, Thetar, Rhor, Imlow);else% 寻找位于左边的第三条车道线Idx3 = houghpeaks(H(startIdxRho_L:startIdxRho_L+NumRhos_L-1 , ...startIdxTheta_L:startIdxTheta_L+NumThetas_L-1),...'NHoodSize', [7 7], 'Threshold', 1);Rhol = Rho(Idx3(:,1) + startIdxRho_L);Thetal = Theta(Idx3(:,2) + startIdxTheta_L);ThirdLane = step(hHoughLines3, Thetal, Rhol, Imlow);endOutThirdLane = videoexclude3rdlane(ThirdLane, ShowThirdLane,...TwoLanes, TwoValidLanes, YCbCr); OutThirdLane = OutThirdLane(:) + offset(:);RGB = insertShape(RGB,'Line',OutThirdLane.','Color','green'); endendOutMsgPre = OutMsg;step(myVideoOut, RGB); % 显示视频