
wordpress图片网站,现代营销手段有哪些,建筑行业真的凉了吗,WordPress幻灯片首页hard Phy boundary No Path 1. shift mode; shift cornor出现No Path的; PHY SI SO在shift mode必须有timing的path; 展示为No constrained path; check step: report_timing -though NO constrained path set timing_report_unconstrained true report again you will…

hard Phy boundary No Path

1. shift mode;

shift cornor出现No Path的;
PHY SI SO在shift mode必须有timing的path; 展示为No constrained path;

check step:

report_timing -though

NO constrained path

set timing_report_unconstrained true

report again


you will get a potential path;

get the clock of startpiont


now the no path reason would be two case:

  1. start point & end point is in two difference clock group;
  2. Lib is no include the timing arc of this pin;

check the lib:

发现在shift mode吧 bypass func的lib也读入了; 通过remove lib 确认最终读如的lib:

重新读入lib, shift path 出现;

2.dc capture mode

同样发现 hard phy SI SO的出现 no path;

  1. 在DC capture mode 本身是不会经过SI D path; 所以SI Q path不存在本身也是合理的;(结论是否正确)
  2. 存在的Path 为bypass 的pass ,是因为同属一个clock group ,DFT未插lock up latch导致; Path 为 true path, 需要后端修;

其他非SI SO pin的no path;

优先查看Lib中在此mode是否存在 timing arc;


import re
def read_pinlist(pinlist_file):"""Read pinlist from a text file, where each line contains one pin_name.Parameters:pinlist_file (str): Path to the pinlist file.Returns:list: A list of pin_names."""try:with open(pinlist_file, 'r') as f:# Read lines, strip whitespace, and skip empty linespinlist = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines() if line.strip()]return pinlistexcept FileNotFoundError:print(f"Error: File {pinlist_file} not found")return []
def parse_lib(lib_content):"""Parse the lib file content and return a dictionary with pin_name as keys and their corresponding timing block modes as values.Parameters:lib_content (str): The text content of the lib file.Returns:dict: A dictionary containing pin_name and its timing block modes."""pin_dict = {}# Regular expression to match pin blockspin_pattern = r'pin\((.*?)\)\s*{([^{}]*)}'pin_matches = re.findall(pin_pattern, lib_content, re.DOTALL)for pin_match in pin_matches:# Extract pin_name and remove leading/trailing spaces and quotespin_name = pin_match[0].strip().strip('"')pin_content = pin_match[1]# Match timing blockstiming_pattern = r'timing\(\)\s*{([^{}]*)}'timing_matches = re.findall(timing_pattern, pin_content, re.DOTALL)modes = []for timing_match in timing_matches:timing_content = timing_match# Match mode fieldmode_pattern = r'mode\(etm_mode\s*,\s*"([^"]*)"\s*\);'mode_match = re.search(mode_pattern, timing_content)if mode_match:mode_name = mode_match.group(1).strip()  # Remove leading/trailing spaces from mode_namemodes.append(mode_name)pin_dict[pin_name] = modesreturn pin_dictdef check_pins(pinlist, pin_dict):"""Check the status of each pin_name in pinlist based on the lib file and print the results.Parameters:pinlist (list): A list of pin_names to check.pin_dict (dict): A dictionary parsed from the lib file containing pin information."""for pin_name in pinlist:if pin_name not in pin_dict:print(f"{pin_name}: NO pin_name")else:modes = pin_dict[pin_name]if not modes:print(f"{pin_name}: NO timing arc")elif "stuckat_cap" not in modes:print(f"{pin_name}: NO stuckat_cap mode")else:print(f"{pin_name}: Exist stuckat_cap mode")def main():# Example lib file path (modify according to actual path)lib_file_path = "lib.txt"try:with open(lib_file_path, "r") as f:lib_content = f.read()except FileNotFoundError:print(f"Error: File {lib_file_path} not found")return# Parse the lib filepin_dict = parse_lib(lib_content)# Example pinlist (modify according to actual needs)pinlist = ["pin1", "pin2", "pin3", "pin4"]# Check and print resultscheck_pins(pinlist, pin_dict)if __name__ == "__main__":main()import redef parse_lib(lib_content):"""Parse the lib file content and return a dictionary with pin_name as keys and their corresponding pin content as values."""pins = {}lines = lib_content.split('\n')current_pin = Nonepin_content = []brace_level = 0collecting = Falsefor line in lines:stripped = line.strip()if not collecting and stripped.startswith('pin('):# Extract pin namepin_start = stripped.find('(') + 1pin_end = stripped.find(')')if pin_end == -1:continue  # Skip if format is incorrectcurrent_pin = stripped[pin_start:pin_end].strip()brace_start = stripped.find('{', pin_end)if brace_start != -1:brace_level = 1collecting = True# Add the first line content (if any)rest = stripped[brace_start+1:].strip()if rest:pin_content.append(rest)elif collecting:# Calculate brace levelbrace_level += line.count('{')brace_level -= line.count('}')if brace_level > 0:pin_content.append(line)else:collecting = Falsepins[current_pin] = '\n'.join(pin_content)current_pin = Nonepin_content = []return pinsdef analyze_pin(pin_content):"""Analyze the content of a single pin and return its status."""# Check if there are timing blockstiming_blocks = []in_timing = Falsecurrent_block = []brace_level = 0for line in pin_content.split('\n'):stripped = line.strip()if not in_timing and stripped.startswith('timing('):in_timing = Truebrace_level = 0current_block = []if in_timing:current_block.append(line)brace_level += line.count('{')brace_level -= line.count('}')if brace_level <= 0:in_timing = Falsetiming_blocks.append('\n'.join(current_block))if not timing_blocks:return "NO timing arc"# Check if any timing block contains stuckat_cap modepattern = re.compile(r'mode\s*\(\s*etm_mode\s*,\s*"\s*stuckat_cap\s*"\s*\)')for block in timing_blocks:if pattern.search(block):return "OK"return "NO stuckat_cp mode"def main(pinlist_file, lib_file):with open(lib_file, 'r') as f:content = f.read()pins = parse_lib(content)pinlist= read_pinlist(pinlist_file);if not pinlist:print("Pinlist is empty or file not exist");returnfor pin_name in pinlist:if pin_name not in pins:print(f"{pin_name}: Not found")continuestatus = analyze_pin(pins[pin_name])print(f"{pin_name}: {status}")# Example usage
if __name__ == "__main__":pinlist_file = "./file_name"# Replace with actual pin listlib_file = "your_lib.lib"           # Replace with actual lib file pathmain(pinlist, lib_file)





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