目录 专栏导读 1、背景介绍 2、库的安装 3、核心代码 4、完整代码 总结
🌸 欢迎来到Python办公自动化专栏—Python处理办公问题,解放您的双手 🏳️🌈 博客主页:请点击——> 一晌小贪欢的博客主页求关注 👍 该系列文章专栏:请点击——>Python办公自动化专栏求订阅 🕷 此外还有爬虫专栏:请点击——>Python爬虫基础专栏求订阅 📕 此外还有python基础专栏:请点击——>Python基础学习专栏求订阅 文章作者技术和水平有限,如果文中出现错误,希望大家能指正🙏 ❤️ 欢迎各位佬关注! ❤️
库 用途 安装 PyQt5 界面设计 pip install PyQt5 -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple/
def save_cookie ( self) : cookie_dict = { "accessToken" : self. access_token_input. text( ) , "Cookie" : self. cookie_input. text( ) } if not os. path. exists( "cookie_json" ) : os. makedirs( "cookie_json" ) try : with open ( "cookie_json/cookie.json" , "w" , encoding= "utf-8" ) as f: json. dump( cookie_dict, f, ensure_ascii= False , indent= 4 ) QMessageBox. information( self, "成功" , "保存成功!" ) except Exception as e: QMessageBox. critical( self, "错误" , f"保存失败: { str ( e) } " )
@Project :Cookie收集界面工具
@File :_0_cookie_.py
@IDE :PyCharm
@Author :一晌小贪欢(278865463@qq.com)
@Date :2025/1/23 19:08
import os
import sys
import json
from PyQt5. QtWidgets import ( QApplication, QMainWindow, QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QLabel, QLineEdit, QPushButton, QMessageBox) class CookieToolWindow ( QMainWindow) : def __init__ ( self) : super ( ) . __init__( ) self. initUI( ) def initUI ( self) : self. setWindowTitle( 'Cookie设置工具' ) self. setGeometry( 300 , 300 , 500 , 250 ) central_widget = QWidget( ) self. setCentralWidget( central_widget) layout = QVBoxLayout( central_widget) layout. setSpacing( 15 ) self. setStyleSheet( """QMainWindow {background-color: #f5f5f5;}QLabel {font-size: 14px;font-weight: bold;color: #333333;}QLineEdit {padding: 8px;font-size: 13px;border: 1px solid #cccccc;border-radius: 4px;background-color: white;}QPushButton {padding: 10px;font-size: 14px;font-weight: bold;color: white;background-color: #2196F3;border: none;border-radius: 4px;min-height: 40px;}QPushButton:hover {background-color: #1976D2;}""" ) self. access_token_label = QLabel( 'Access Token:' ) self. access_token_input = QLineEdit( ) self. access_token_input. setPlaceholderText( '请输入Access Token' ) layout. addWidget( self. access_token_label) layout. addWidget( self. access_token_input) self. cookie_label = QLabel( 'Cookie:' ) self. cookie_input = QLineEdit( ) self. cookie_input. setPlaceholderText( '请输入Cookie' ) layout. addWidget( self. cookie_label) layout. addWidget( self. cookie_input) self. save_button = QPushButton( '保存' ) self. save_button. clicked. connect( self. save_cookie) layout. addWidget( self. save_button) layout. setContentsMargins( 20 , 20 , 20 , 20 ) self. load_existing_cookie( ) def load_existing_cookie ( self) : try : with open ( "cookie_json/cookie.json" , "r" , encoding= "utf-8" ) as f: cookie_dict = json. load( f) self. access_token_input. setText( cookie_dict. get( "accessToken" , "" ) ) self. cookie_input. setText( cookie_dict. get( "Cookie" , "" ) ) except FileNotFoundError: pass def save_cookie ( self) : cookie_dict = { "accessToken" : self. access_token_input. text( ) , "Cookie" : self. cookie_input. text( ) } if not os. path. exists( "cookie_json" ) : os. makedirs( "cookie_json" ) try : with open ( "cookie_json/cookie.json" , "w" , encoding= "utf-8" ) as f: json. dump( cookie_dict, f, ensure_ascii= False , indent= 4 ) QMessageBox. information( self, "成功" , "保存成功!" ) except Exception as e: QMessageBox. critical( self, "错误" , f"保存失败: { str ( e) } " ) def main ( ) : app = QApplication( sys. argv) window = CookieToolWindow( ) window. show( ) sys. exit( app. exec_( ) ) if __name__ == '__main__' : main( )
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