PostgreSQL的学习心得和知识总结(一百五十六)|auto_explain — log execution plans of slow queries

注:提前言明 本文借鉴了以下博主、书籍或网站的内容,其列表如下:

4、日本著名PostgreSQL数据库专家 铃木启修 网站主页,点击前往
6、参考书籍:《事务处理 概念与技术》
7、auto_explain pg官方手册在线文档,点击前往
8、auto_explain 中文手册在线文档,点击前往

1、本文内容全部来源于开源社区 GitHub和以上博主的贡献,本文也免费开源(可能会存在问题,评论区等待大佬们的指正)
2、本文目的:开源共享 抛砖引玉 一起学习
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4、大家可以根据需要自行 复制粘贴以及作为其他个人用途,但是不允许转载 不允许商用 (写作不易,还请见谅 💖)
5、本文内容基于PostgreSQL master源码开发而成

auto_explain — log execution plans of slow queries

  • 文章快速说明索引
  • 功能实现背景说明
  • 功能实现源码解析



做数据库内核开发久了就会有一种 少年得志,年少轻狂 的错觉,然鹅细细一品觉得自己其实不算特别优秀 远远没有达到自己想要的。也许光鲜的表面掩盖了空洞的内在,每每想到于此,皆有夜半临渊如履薄冰之感。为了睡上几个踏实觉,即日起 暂缓其他基于PostgreSQL数据库的兼容功能开发,近段时间 将着重于学习分享Postgres的基础知识和实践内幕。


1、auto_explain — log execution plans of slow queries


2024年10月20日 16:20:13


1、PostgreSQL数据库基础知识回顾 1个
2、CSDN 技术博客 1篇

注:下面我们所有的学习环境是Centos8+PostgreSQL master +Oracle19C+MySQL8.0

postgres=# select version();version                                                   
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PostgreSQL 18devel on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-21), 64-bit
(1 row)postgres=##-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#SQL> select * from v$version;          BANNER        Oracle Database 19c EE Extreme Perf Release - Production	
BANNER_FULL	  Oracle Database 19c EE Extreme Perf Release - Production Version	
BANNER_LEGACY Oracle Database 19c EE Extreme Perf Release - Production	
CON_ID 0#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#mysql> select version();
| version() |
| 8.0.27    |
1 row in set (0.06 sec)mysql>


当我们向 PostgreSQL 发送一个 SQL 语句时,该语句的执行方式如下图所示:


当使用 EXPLAIN 命令时,PostgreSQL 仅返回估计执行计划,即优化器认为对提供的 SQL 语句最有效的执行计划 (该语句并未真正执行)。另一方面,如果我们运行 EXPLAIN ANALYZE (PostgreSQL 会运行该语句),因此我们将获得实际执行计划,其中还包含执行计划中每个操作的时间信息。但是在调查生产系统上的慢速查询时,我们可能会面临几个挑战:

  • 出于安全原因,我们可能不被允许在生产系统上运行查询,因此,在这种情况下,我们不能简单地运行 EXPLAIN ANALYZE 命令来获取实际执行计划
  • 即使我们有权运行 EXPLAIN ANALYZE 命令,我们也可能会观察到与客户抱怨的计划不同的计划


该模块没有提供 SQL 可访问的函数。要使用它,简单地将它载入服务器。你可以把它载入到一个单独的会话:

LOAD 'auto_explain';



您想知道 PostgreSQL 查询为什么很慢吗?那么 EXPLAIN ANALYZE 是一个很好的起点。正如上面所说,查询可能依赖于其他服务器活动,可能需要一段时间才能运行,并且可能会随时间而变化。

因此,分析慢查询的更好解决方案是获取 PostgreSQL 在运行相关查询时使用的实际执行计划。


在本人的数据库内核开发中auto_explain的使用非常多 但是从来没有深入看一下其源码实现。接下来 我们将研究它的作用、如何配置它,如何使用这些日志来加快查询速度,以及它的源码解析。



该插件代码非常简单,只有auto_explain.c编出的动态库 因此只需加载即可使用!


原理上分为两部分:GUC和HOOK 如下:

// contrib/auto_explain/auto_explain.c/** Module load callback*/
{/* Define custom GUC variables. */...MarkGUCPrefixReserved("auto_explain");/* Install hooks. */prev_ExecutorStart = ExecutorStart_hook;ExecutorStart_hook = explain_ExecutorStart;prev_ExecutorRun = ExecutorRun_hook;ExecutorRun_hook = explain_ExecutorRun;prev_ExecutorFinish = ExecutorFinish_hook;ExecutorFinish_hook = explain_ExecutorFinish;prev_ExecutorEnd = ExecutorEnd_hook;ExecutorEnd_hook = explain_ExecutorEnd;
参数PostgreSQL 默认值建议设置(根据需要)
auto_explain.log_timingOn (with log_analyze)On
auto_explain.log_settings (v12)OffOff
auto_explain.log_wal (v13)OffOff

这些参数的作用不再赘述 根据需要自行设置即可。接下看一下相关HOOK,如下:

A hook called at the beginning of any execution of any query plan
ExecutorStart_hook is a hook which is called at the beginning of any execution of any query plan.ExecutorStart_hook was added in PostgreSQL 8.4.
A hook which is called at any plan execution, after ExecutorStart
ExecutorRun_hook is a hook which is called at any plan execution, after ExecutorStart.ExecutorRun_hook was added in PostgreSQL 8.4.
A hook called after the last ExecutorRun call
ExecutorFinish_hook is a hook which is called after the last ExecutorRun call.ExecutorFinish_hook was added in PostgreSQL 9.1.
A hook which is called at the end of execution of any query plan
ExecutorEnd_hook is a hook which is called at the end of execution of any query plan.ExecutorEnd_hook was added in PostgreSQL 8.4.


  • PostgreSQL的学习心得和知识总结(八十六)|深入理解PostgreSQL数据库HOOK技术及开源hooks文档介绍,点击前往





  • PostgreSQL技术内幕(十六)如何写一个执行器算子?

一、ExecutorStart:主要负责初始化各个算子的状态。以SQL语句select * from table order by i limit 2;为例:

  • ExecutorStart会首先创建一个包含所有执行所需信息的执行器状态(Estate)
  • 随后,通过InitPlan来初始化Plan State树,为接下来的执行做好准备。在这个过程中,ExecInitNode函数发挥着关键作用,它根据节点的类型(如limit、sort或scan)进行相应的初始化操作。这个过程是层层递进的,确保每个节点或算子的信息和私有状态都被正确设置。
// src/backend/executor/execMain.c/* ----------------------------------------------------------------*		ExecutorStart**		This routine must be called at the beginning of any execution of any*		query plan*	    任何查询计划执行开始时都必须调用此例程** Takes a QueryDesc previously created by CreateQueryDesc (which is separate* only because some places use QueryDescs for utility commands).  The tupDesc* field of the QueryDesc is filled in to describe the tuples that will be* returned, and the internal fields (estate and planstate) are set up.* 采用先前由 CreateQueryDesc 创建的 QueryDesc(之所以单独创建,是因为有些地方使用 QueryDesc 作为实用程序命令)。* QueryDesc 的 tupDesc 字段被填充以描述将返回的元组,并且内部字段(estate 和 planstate)被设置。** eflags contains flag bits as described in executor.h.** NB: the CurrentMemoryContext when this is called will become the parent* of the per-query context used for this Executor invocation.* 注意:调用此方法时,CurrentMemoryContext 将成为此 Executor 调用所使用的每个查询上下文的父级。** We provide a function hook variable that lets loadable plugins* get control when ExecutorStart is called.  Such a plugin would* normally call standard_ExecutorStart().* 我们提供了一个函数钩子变量,让可加载插件在调用 ExecutorStart 时获得控制权。* 这样的插件通常会调用 standard_ExecutorStart()。** ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
ExecutorStart(QueryDesc *queryDesc, int eflags)
{/** In some cases (e.g. an EXECUTE statement or an execute message with the* extended query protocol) the query_id won't be reported, so do it now.** Note that it's harmless to report the query_id multiple times, as the* call will be ignored if the top level query_id has already been* reported.*/pgstat_report_query_id(queryDesc->plannedstmt->queryId, false);if (ExecutorStart_hook)(*ExecutorStart_hook) (queryDesc, eflags);elsestandard_ExecutorStart(queryDesc, eflags);
standard_ExecutorStart(QueryDesc *queryDesc, int eflags)
{.../** Build EState, switch into per-query memory context for startup.*/estate = CreateExecutorState();queryDesc->estate = estate;.../** Initialize the plan state tree*/InitPlan(queryDesc, eflags);...




/** ExecutorStart hook: start up logging if needed*/
static void
explain_ExecutorStart(QueryDesc *queryDesc, int eflags)
{/** At the beginning of each top-level statement, decide whether we'll* sample this statement.  If nested-statement explaining is enabled,* either all nested statements will be explained or none will.* 在每个顶级语句的开头,决定是否要对此语句进行采样。* 如果启用了嵌套语句解释,则将解释所有嵌套语句,或者不解释任何嵌套语句。** When in a parallel worker, we should do nothing, which we can implement* cheaply by pretending we decided not to sample the current statement.* If EXPLAIN is active in the parent session, data will be collected and* reported back to the parent, and it's no business of ours to interfere.* 在并行工作进程中,我们不应该做任何事情,我们可以通过假装决定不对当前语句进行采样来廉价地实现这一点。* 如果 EXPLAIN 在父会话中处于活动状态,则将收集数据并报告回父会话,我们无权干涉。*/if (nesting_level == 0){if (auto_explain_log_min_duration >= 0 && !IsParallelWorker())current_query_sampled = (pg_prng_double(&pg_global_prng_state) < auto_explain_sample_rate); // 这块决定是否要采样elsecurrent_query_sampled = false;}if (auto_explain_enabled()){/* Enable per-node instrumentation iff log_analyze is required. */// 当且仅当需要 log_analyze 时,才启用每个节点的检测。if (auto_explain_log_analyze && (eflags & EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY) == 0){if (auto_explain_log_timing)queryDesc->instrument_options |= INSTRUMENT_TIMER;elsequeryDesc->instrument_options |= INSTRUMENT_ROWS;if (auto_explain_log_buffers)queryDesc->instrument_options |= INSTRUMENT_BUFFERS;if (auto_explain_log_wal)queryDesc->instrument_options |= INSTRUMENT_WAL;}}if (prev_ExecutorStart)prev_ExecutorStart(queryDesc, eflags);elsestandard_ExecutorStart(queryDesc, eflags);if (auto_explain_enabled()){/** Set up to track total elapsed time in ExecutorRun.  Make sure the* space is allocated in the per-query context so it will go away at* ExecutorEnd.* 设置以跟踪 ExecutorRun 中的总耗时。* 确保在每个查询上下文中分配空间,以便它在 ExecutorEnd 时消失。*/if (queryDesc->totaltime == NULL){MemoryContext oldcxt;oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(queryDesc->estate->es_query_cxt);queryDesc->totaltime = InstrAlloc(1, INSTRUMENT_ALL, false);MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);}}
}#define auto_explain_enabled() \(auto_explain_log_min_duration >= 0 && \(nesting_level == 0 || auto_explain_log_nested_statements) && \current_query_sampled)


  1. 决定是否要采样
  2. 我们这里默认 auto_explain_enabled 是开启的,那么当启用auto_explain_log_analyze时,才启用每个节点的检测
  3. 执行其他HOOK或标准ExecutorStart
  4. #3 完成之后,设置跟踪 ExecutorRun 中的总耗时


// src/include/executor/instrument.h/* Flag bits included in InstrAlloc's instrument_options bitmask */
typedef enum InstrumentOption
{INSTRUMENT_TIMER = 1 << 0,	/* needs timer (and row counts) */INSTRUMENT_BUFFERS = 1 << 1,	/* needs buffer usage */INSTRUMENT_ROWS = 1 << 2,	/* needs row count */INSTRUMENT_WAL = 1 << 3,	/* needs WAL usage */INSTRUMENT_ALL = PG_INT32_MAX
} InstrumentOption;


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------*		ExecutorRun**		This is the main routine of the executor module. It accepts*		the query descriptor from the traffic cop and executes the*		query plan.**		ExecutorStart must have been called already.**		If direction is NoMovementScanDirection then nothing is done*		except to start up/shut down the destination.  Otherwise,*		we retrieve up to 'count' tuples in the specified direction.*	    如果方向为 NoMovementScanDirection,则除了启动/关闭目的地外不执行任何操作。*	    否则,我们将在指定方向上检索最多“count”个元组。**		Note: count = 0 is interpreted as no portal limit, i.e., run to*		completion.  Also note that the count limit is only applied to*		retrieved tuples, not for instance to those inserted/updated/deleted*		by a ModifyTable plan node.*	    注意:count = 0 表示没有入口限制,即运行至完成。*	    还请注意,计数限制仅适用于检索到的元组,而不适用于由修改表计划节点插入/更新/删除的元组。**		There is no return value, but output tuples (if any) are sent to*		the destination receiver specified in the QueryDesc; and the number*		of tuples processed at the top level can be found in*		estate->es_processed.  The total number of tuples processed in all*		the ExecutorRun calls can be found in estate->es_total_processed.*	    没有返回值,但输出元组(如果有)会发送到 QueryDesc 中指定的目标接收器;*	    并且可以在 estate->es_processed 中找到在顶层处理的元组数量。*	    可以在 estate->es_total_processed 中找到在所有 ExecutorRun 调用中处理的元组总数。**		We provide a function hook variable that lets loadable plugins*		get control when ExecutorRun is called.  Such a plugin would*		normally call standard_ExecutorRun().*	    我们提供了一个函数钩子变量,让可加载插件在调用 ExecutorRun 时获得控制权。*	    这样的插件通常会调用 standard_ExecutorRun()。** ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
ExecutorRun(QueryDesc *queryDesc,ScanDirection direction, uint64 count,bool execute_once)
{if (ExecutorRun_hook)(*ExecutorRun_hook) (queryDesc, direction, count, execute_once);elsestandard_ExecutorRun(queryDesc, direction, count, execute_once);
standard_ExecutorRun(QueryDesc *queryDesc,ScanDirection direction, uint64 count, bool execute_once)
{.../* Allow instrumentation of Executor overall runtime */if (queryDesc->totaltime)InstrStartNode(queryDesc->totaltime); // 记录开始时刻的...sendTuples = (operation == CMD_SELECT ||queryDesc->plannedstmt->hasReturning);if (sendTuples)dest->rStartup(dest, operation, queryDesc->tupDesc);.../** run plan*/if (!ScanDirectionIsNoMovement(direction)){if (execute_once && queryDesc->already_executed)elog(ERROR, "can't re-execute query flagged for single execution");queryDesc->already_executed = true;ExecutePlan(estate,queryDesc->planstate,queryDesc->plannedstmt->parallelModeNeeded,operation,sendTuples,count,direction,dest,execute_once);}.../** shutdown tuple receiver, if we started it*/if (sendTuples)dest->rShutdown(dest);if (queryDesc->totaltime)InstrStopNode(queryDesc->totaltime, estate->es_processed); // diff上面 记录差值...


  • PostgreSQL的学习心得和知识总结(一百四十四)|深入理解PostgreSQL数据库之sendTuples的实现原理及功能修改,点击前往




/** ExecutorRun hook: all we need do is track nesting depth*/
static void
explain_ExecutorRun(QueryDesc *queryDesc, ScanDirection direction,uint64 count, bool execute_once)
{nesting_level++;PG_TRY();{if (prev_ExecutorRun)prev_ExecutorRun(queryDesc, direction, count, execute_once);elsestandard_ExecutorRun(queryDesc, direction, count, execute_once);}PG_FINALLY();{nesting_level--;}PG_END_TRY();



/* ----------------------------------------------------------------*		ExecutorFinish**		This routine must be called after the last ExecutorRun call.*		It performs cleanup such as firing AFTER triggers.  It is*		separate from ExecutorEnd because EXPLAIN ANALYZE needs to*		include these actions in the total runtime.*	    此例程必须在最后一次 ExecutorRun 调用之后调用。*	    它执行清理工作,例如触发 AFTER 触发器。*	    它与 ExecutorEnd 是分开的,因为 EXPLAIN ANALYZE 需要将这些操作包含在总运行时中。**		We provide a function hook variable that lets loadable plugins*		get control when ExecutorFinish is called.  Such a plugin would*		normally call standard_ExecutorFinish().** ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
ExecutorFinish(QueryDesc *queryDesc)
{if (ExecutorFinish_hook)(*ExecutorFinish_hook) (queryDesc);elsestandard_ExecutorFinish(queryDesc);
standard_ExecutorFinish(QueryDesc *queryDesc)
{EState	   *estate;MemoryContext oldcontext;/* sanity checks */Assert(queryDesc != NULL);estate = queryDesc->estate;Assert(estate != NULL);Assert(!(estate->es_top_eflags & EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY));/* This should be run once and only once per Executor instance */Assert(!estate->es_finished);/* Switch into per-query memory context */oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);/* Allow instrumentation of Executor overall runtime */if (queryDesc->totaltime)InstrStartNode(queryDesc->totaltime);/* Run ModifyTable nodes to completion */// 运行完修改表节点ExecPostprocessPlan(estate);/* Execute queued AFTER triggers, unless told not to */// 执行排队的 AFTER 触发器,除非被告知不要执行if (!(estate->es_top_eflags & EXEC_FLAG_SKIP_TRIGGERS))AfterTriggerEndQuery(estate);if (queryDesc->totaltime)InstrStopNode(queryDesc->totaltime, 0);MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);estate->es_finished = true;

和上面一样,ExecutorFinish 钩子:同样仅需要做的就是跟踪嵌套深度。


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------*		ExecutorEnd**		This routine must be called at the end of execution of any*		query plan*	    必须在任何查询计划执行结束时调用此例程**		We provide a function hook variable that lets loadable plugins*		get control when ExecutorEnd is called.  Such a plugin would*		normally call standard_ExecutorEnd().** ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
ExecutorEnd(QueryDesc *queryDesc)
{if (ExecutorEnd_hook)(*ExecutorEnd_hook) (queryDesc);elsestandard_ExecutorEnd(queryDesc);
standard_ExecutorEnd(QueryDesc *queryDesc)
{EState	   *estate;MemoryContext oldcontext;/* sanity checks */Assert(queryDesc != NULL);estate = queryDesc->estate;Assert(estate != NULL);/** Check that ExecutorFinish was called, unless in EXPLAIN-only mode. This* Assert is needed because ExecutorFinish is new as of 9.1, and callers* might forget to call it.*/Assert(estate->es_finished ||(estate->es_top_eflags & EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY));/** Switch into per-query memory context to run ExecEndPlan*/oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);ExecEndPlan(queryDesc->planstate, estate);/* do away with our snapshots */UnregisterSnapshot(estate->es_snapshot);UnregisterSnapshot(estate->es_crosscheck_snapshot);/** Must switch out of context before destroying it*/MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);/** Release EState and per-query memory context.  This should release* everything the executor has allocated.*/FreeExecutorState(estate);/* Reset queryDesc fields that no longer point to anything */queryDesc->tupDesc = NULL;queryDesc->estate = NULL;queryDesc->planstate = NULL;queryDesc->totaltime = NULL;


postgres=# \d+ t1Table "public.t1"Column |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description 
--------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+-------------id     | integer |           |          |         | plain   |             |              | 
Access method: heappostgres=#
postgres=# explain (analyze, verbose)select * from t1 order by id limit 2;QUERY PLAN                                                      
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Limit  (cost=25.00..25.01 rows=2 width=4) (actual time=0.200..0.201 rows=2 loops=1)Output: id->  Sort  (cost=25.00..27.50 rows=1000 width=4) (actual time=0.199..0.200 rows=2 loops=1)Output: idSort Key: t1.idSort Method: top-N heapsort  Memory: 25kB->  Seq Scan on public.t1  (cost=0.00..15.00 rows=1000 width=4) (actual time=0.012..0.105 rows=1000 loops=1)Output: idPlanning Time: 0.057 msExecution Time: 0.213 ms
(10 rows)postgres=#


ExecInitSeqScan(SeqScan * node, EState * estate, int eflags)
ExecInitNode(Plan * node, EState * estate, int eflags)
ExecInitSort(Sort * node, EState * estate, int eflags)
ExecInitNode(Plan * node, EState * estate, int eflags)
ExecInitLimit(Limit * node, EState * estate, int eflags)
ExecInitNode(Plan * node, EState * estate, int eflags)
InitPlan(QueryDesc * queryDesc, int eflags)
standard_ExecutorStart(QueryDesc * queryDesc, int eflags)
ExecutorStart(QueryDesc * queryDesc, int eflags)
PortalStart(Portal portal, ParamListInfo params, int eflags, Snapshot snapshot)
exec_simple_query(const char * query_string)


ExecSeqScan(PlanState * pstate)
ExecProcNodeFirst(PlanState * node)
ExecProcNode(PlanState * node)
ExecSort(PlanState * pstate)
ExecProcNodeFirst(PlanState * node)
ExecProcNode(PlanState * node)
ExecLimit(PlanState * pstate)
ExecProcNodeFirst(PlanState * node)
ExecProcNode(PlanState * node)
ExecutePlan(EState * estate, PlanState * planstate, _Bool use_parallel_mode, CmdType operation, _Bool sendTuples, uint64 numberTuples, ScanDirection direction, DestReceiver * dest, _Bool execute_once)
standard_ExecutorRun(QueryDesc * queryDesc, ScanDirection direction, uint64 count, _Bool execute_once)
ExecutorRun(QueryDesc * queryDesc, ScanDirection direction, uint64 count, _Bool execute_once)
PortalRunSelect(Portal portal, _Bool forward, long count, DestReceiver * dest)
PortalRun(Portal portal, long count, _Bool isTopLevel, _Bool run_once, DestReceiver * dest, DestReceiver * altdest, QueryCompletion * qc)
exec_simple_query(const char * query_string)



ExecEndSeqScan(SeqScanState * node)
ExecEndNode(PlanState * node)
ExecEndSort(SortState * node)
ExecEndNode(PlanState * node)
ExecEndLimit(LimitState * node)
ExecEndNode(PlanState * node)
ExecEndPlan(PlanState * planstate, EState * estate)
standard_ExecutorEnd(QueryDesc * queryDesc)
ExecutorEnd(QueryDesc * queryDesc)
PortalCleanup(Portal portal)
PortalDrop(Portal portal, _Bool isTopCommit)
exec_simple_query(const char * query_string)



/** ExecutorEnd hook: log results if needed*/
static void
explain_ExecutorEnd(QueryDesc *queryDesc)
{if (queryDesc->totaltime && auto_explain_enabled()){MemoryContext oldcxt;double		msec;/** Make sure we operate in the per-query context, so any cruft will be* discarded later during ExecutorEnd.* 确保我们在每个查询上下文中进行操作,因此任何多余的内容都会在 ExecutorEnd 期间被丢弃。*/oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(queryDesc->estate->es_query_cxt);/** Make sure stats accumulation is done.  (Note: it's okay if several* levels of hook all do this.)* 确保统计数据累积已完成。(注意:如果几级钩子都这样做也没关系。)*/InstrEndLoop(queryDesc->totaltime);/* Log plan if duration is exceeded. */msec = queryDesc->totaltime->total * 1000.0;if (msec >= auto_explain_log_min_duration){ExplainState *es = NewExplainState();es->analyze = (queryDesc->instrument_options && auto_explain_log_analyze);es->verbose = auto_explain_log_verbose;es->buffers = (es->analyze && auto_explain_log_buffers);es->wal = (es->analyze && auto_explain_log_wal);es->timing = (es->analyze && auto_explain_log_timing);es->summary = es->analyze;/* No support for MEMORY *//* es->memory = false; */es->format = auto_explain_log_format;es->settings = auto_explain_log_settings;ExplainBeginOutput(es);ExplainQueryText(es, queryDesc);ExplainQueryParameters(es, queryDesc->params, auto_explain_log_parameter_max_length);ExplainPrintPlan(es, queryDesc);if (es->analyze && auto_explain_log_triggers)ExplainPrintTriggers(es, queryDesc);if (es->costs)ExplainPrintJITSummary(es, queryDesc);ExplainEndOutput(es);/* Remove last line break */if (es->str->len > 0 && es->str->data[es->str->len - 1] == '\n')es->str->data[--es->str->len] = '\0';/* Fix JSON to output an object */if (auto_explain_log_format == EXPLAIN_FORMAT_JSON){es->str->data[0] = '{';es->str->data[es->str->len - 1] = '}';}/** Note: we rely on the existing logging of context or* debug_query_string to identify just which statement is being* reported.  This isn't ideal but trying to do it here would* often result in duplication.*/ereport(auto_explain_log_level,(errmsg("duration: %.3f ms  plan:\n%s",msec, es->str->data),errhidestmt(true)));}MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);}if (prev_ExecutorEnd)prev_ExecutorEnd(queryDesc);elsestandard_ExecutorEnd(queryDesc);


  1. 结束此次总统计:将每个周期的统计数据累加为总数
  2. 如果超出持续时间则记录该计划
  3. 开辟一个NewExplainState对象,并根据指定进行填充关键bool值;然后构造计划文本
  4. 根据指定级别进行ereport
  5. 之后才走ExecutorEnd逻辑





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