Robot Operating System——Parameter设置的预处理、校验和成功回调


  • 预处理
  • 校验
  • 成功回调
  • 完整代码
  • 测试
  • 总结

在《Robot Operating System——对Parameter设置进行校验》一文中,我们通过Node的add_on_set_parameters_callback方法,设置了一个回调函数,用于校验传递过来的Parameter参数。但是这个方法并不能对传递过来的内容做预处理,只能做校验。





class SetParametersCallback : public rclcpp::Node
public:DEMO_NODES_CPP_PUBLICexplicit SetParametersCallback(const rclcpp::NodeOptions & options): Node("set_param_callback_node", options){// Declare a parameter named "param1" in this node, with default value 1.0:this->declare_parameter("param1", 1.0);// Retrieve the value of 'param1' into a member variable 'value_1_'.value_1_ = this->get_parameter("param1").as_double();// Following statement does the same for 'param2' and 'value_2_', but in a more concise way:value_2_ = this->declare_parameter("param2", 2.0);……private:rclcpp::node_interfaces::PreSetParametersCallbackHandle::SharedPtrpre_set_parameters_callback_handle_;rclcpp::node_interfaces::OnSetParametersCallbackHandle::SharedPtron_set_parameters_callback_handle_;rclcpp::node_interfaces::PostSetParametersCallbackHandle::SharedPtrpost_set_parameters_callback_handle_;double value_1_;double value_2_;


预处理的回调函数的参数是std::vector<rclcpp::Parameter> & parameters。这意味着我们可以对其中的内容做修改、增加、和删除。

如下面的代码,它会在传入参数有param1时,往vector的末尾插入关于param2新值的rclcpp::Parameter(“param2”, 4.0)。这样修改param1时,param2的值也被改动。如果只是修改param2,则不会受到这个逻辑的影响。

    // Define a callback function that will be registered as the 'pre_set_parameters_callback'://   This callback is passed the list of the Parameter objects that are intended to be changed,//   and returns nothing.//   Through this callback it is possible to modify the upcoming changes by changing,//   adding or removing entries of the Parameter list.////   This callback should not change the state of the node (i.e. in this example//   the callback should not change 'value_1_' and 'value_2_').//auto modify_upcoming_parameters_callback =[](std::vector<rclcpp::Parameter> & parameters) {// As an example: whenever "param1" is changed, "param2" is set to 4.0:for (auto & param : parameters) {if (param.get_name() == "param1") {parameters.push_back(rclcpp::Parameter("param2", 4.0));}}};pre_set_parameters_callback_handle_ = this->add_pre_set_parameters_callback(modify_upcoming_parameters_callback);



校验相关的内容我们在《Robot Operating System——对Parameter设置进行校验》已经有过介绍。此处不再赘述。

只是我们拿它和“预处理”的回调对比下入参,可以发现“校验”的回调入参是std::vector<rclcpp::Parameter> parameters。它是只读的。这就意味着它只能做读取和校验,而不能做其他干涉行为。

    // Define a callback function that will be registered as the 'on_set_parameters_callback'://   The purpose of this callback is to allow the node to inspect the upcoming change//   to the parameters and explicitly approve or reject the change.//   If the change is rejected, no parameters are changed.////   This callback should not change the state of the node (i.e. in this example//   the callback should not change 'value_1_' and 'value_2_').//auto validate_upcoming_parameters_callback =[](std::vector<rclcpp::Parameter> parameters) {rcl_interfaces::msg::SetParametersResult result;result.successful = true;for (const auto & param : parameters) {// As an example: no parameters are changed if a value > 5.0 is specified for 'param1',// or a value < -5.0 for 'param2'.if (param.get_name() == "param1") {if (param.get_value<double>() > 5.0) {result.successful = false;result.reason = "cannot set 'param1' > 5.0";break;}} else if (param.get_name() == "param2") {if (param.get_value<double>() < -5.0) {result.successful = false;result.reason = "cannot set 'param2' < -5.0";break;}}}return result;};on_set_parameters_callback_handle_ = this->add_on_set_parameters_callback(validate_upcoming_parameters_callback);





    // Define a callback function that will be registered as the 'post_set_parameters_callback'://   This callback is passed a list of immutable Parameter objects, and returns nothing.//   The purpose of this callback is to react to changes from parameters//   that have successfully been accepted.////   This callback can change the internal state of the node. E.g.://     - In this example the callback updates the local copies 'value_1_' and 'value_2_',//     - Another example could be to trigger recalculation of a kinematic model due to//       the change of link length parameters,//     - Yet another example could be to emit a signal for an HMI update,//     - Etc.//auto react_to_updated_parameters_callback =[this](const std::vector<rclcpp::Parameter> & parameters) {for (const auto & param : parameters) {if (param.get_name() == "param1") {value_1_ = param.get_value<double>();RCLCPP_INFO(get_logger(), "Member variable 'value_1_' set to: %f.", value_1_);}if (param.get_name() == "param2") {value_2_ = param.get_value<double>();RCLCPP_INFO(get_logger(), "Member variable 'value_2_' set to: %f.", value_2_);}}};post_set_parameters_callback_handle_ = this->add_post_set_parameters_callback(react_to_updated_parameters_callback);


// Copyright 2022 Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License./*** Example usage: changing 'param1' successfully will result in setting of 'param2'.* ros2 service call /set_param_callback_node/set_parameters rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParameters"{parameters: [{name: "param1", value: {type: 3, double_value: 1.0}}]}"*/#include <string>#include "rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp"
#include "rcl_interfaces/msg/set_parameters_result.hpp"
#include "rclcpp_components/register_node_macro.hpp"#include "demo_nodes_cpp/visibility_control.h"/*** This example node demonstrates the usage of pre_set, on_set* and post_set parameter callbacks*/
namespace demo_nodes_cpp
class SetParametersCallback : public rclcpp::Node
public:DEMO_NODES_CPP_PUBLICexplicit SetParametersCallback(const rclcpp::NodeOptions & options): Node("set_param_callback_node", options){// Declare a parameter named "param1" in this node, with default value 1.0:this->declare_parameter("param1", 1.0);// Retrieve the value of 'param1' into a member variable 'value_1_'.value_1_ = this->get_parameter("param1").as_double();// Following statement does the same for 'param2' and 'value_2_', but in a more concise way:value_2_ = this->declare_parameter("param2", 2.0);// Define a callback function that will be registered as the 'pre_set_parameters_callback'://   This callback is passed the list of the Parameter objects that are intended to be changed,//   and returns nothing.//   Through this callback it is possible to modify the upcoming changes by changing,//   adding or removing entries of the Parameter list.////   This callback should not change the state of the node (i.e. in this example//   the callback should not change 'value_1_' and 'value_2_').//auto modify_upcoming_parameters_callback =[](std::vector<rclcpp::Parameter> & parameters) {// As an example: whenever "param1" is changed, "param2" is set to 4.0:for (auto & param : parameters) {if (param.get_name() == "param1") {parameters.push_back(rclcpp::Parameter("param2", 4.0));}}};// Define a callback function that will be registered as the 'on_set_parameters_callback'://   The purpose of this callback is to allow the node to inspect the upcoming change//   to the parameters and explicitly approve or reject the change.//   If the change is rejected, no parameters are changed.////   This callback should not change the state of the node (i.e. in this example//   the callback should not change 'value_1_' and 'value_2_').//auto validate_upcoming_parameters_callback =[](std::vector<rclcpp::Parameter> parameters) {rcl_interfaces::msg::SetParametersResult result;result.successful = true;for (const auto & param : parameters) {// As an example: no parameters are changed if a value > 5.0 is specified for 'param1',// or a value < -5.0 for 'param2'.if (param.get_name() == "param1") {if (param.get_value<double>() > 5.0) {result.successful = false;result.reason = "cannot set 'param1' > 5.0";break;}} else if (param.get_name() == "param2") {if (param.get_value<double>() < -5.0) {result.successful = false;result.reason = "cannot set 'param2' < -5.0";break;}}}return result;};// Define a callback function that will be registered as the 'post_set_parameters_callback'://   This callback is passed a list of immutable Parameter objects, and returns nothing.//   The purpose of this callback is to react to changes from parameters//   that have successfully been accepted.////   This callback can change the internal state of the node. E.g.://     - In this example the callback updates the local copies 'value_1_' and 'value_2_',//     - Another example could be to trigger recalculation of a kinematic model due to//       the change of link length parameters,//     - Yet another example could be to emit a signal for an HMI update,//     - Etc.//auto react_to_updated_parameters_callback =[this](const std::vector<rclcpp::Parameter> & parameters) {for (const auto & param : parameters) {if (param.get_name() == "param1") {value_1_ = param.get_value<double>();RCLCPP_INFO(get_logger(), "Member variable 'value_1_' set to: %f.", value_1_);}if (param.get_name() == "param2") {value_2_ = param.get_value<double>();RCLCPP_INFO(get_logger(), "Member variable 'value_2_' set to: %f.", value_2_);}}};// Register the callbacks:// In this example all three callbacks are registered, but this is not mandatory// The handles (i.e. the returned shared pointers) must be kept, as the callback// is only registered as long as the shared pointer is alive.pre_set_parameters_callback_handle_ = this->add_pre_set_parameters_callback(modify_upcoming_parameters_callback);on_set_parameters_callback_handle_ = this->add_on_set_parameters_callback(validate_upcoming_parameters_callback);post_set_parameters_callback_handle_ = this->add_post_set_parameters_callback(react_to_updated_parameters_callback);// Output some info:RCLCPP_INFO(get_logger(), "This node demonstrates the use of parameter callbacks.");RCLCPP_INFO(get_logger(), "As an example, it exhibits the following behavior:");RCLCPP_INFO(get_logger()," * Two parameters of type double are declared in the node: 'param1' and 'param2'");RCLCPP_INFO(get_logger(), " * 'param1' cannot be set to a value > 5.0");RCLCPP_INFO(get_logger(), " * 'param2' cannot be set to a value < -5.0");RCLCPP_INFO(get_logger(), " * Each time 'param1' is set, 'param2' is automatically set to 4.0");RCLCPP_INFO(get_logger()," * Member variables 'value_1_' and 'value_2_' are updated upon change of the parameters.");RCLCPP_INFO(get_logger(), "To try it out set a parameter, e.g.:");RCLCPP_INFO(get_logger(), "  ros2 param set set_param_callback_node param1 10.0");RCLCPP_INFO(get_logger(), "  ros2 param set set_param_callback_node param1 3.0");RCLCPP_INFO(get_logger(), "The first command will fail.");RCLCPP_INFO(get_logger(), "The 2nd command will set 'param1' to 3.0 and 'param2' to 4.0.");}private:rclcpp::node_interfaces::PreSetParametersCallbackHandle::SharedPtrpre_set_parameters_callback_handle_;rclcpp::node_interfaces::OnSetParametersCallbackHandle::SharedPtron_set_parameters_callback_handle_;rclcpp::node_interfaces::PostSetParametersCallbackHandle::SharedPtrpost_set_parameters_callback_handle_;double value_1_;double value_2_;
};}  // namespace demo_nodes_cppRCLCPP_COMPONENTS_REGISTER_NODE(demo_nodes_cpp::SetParametersCallback)




ros2 param set set_param_callback_node param1 10.0

下面的命令会要求在一个命令中设置param1和param2。这样我们的回调函数参数中的vector就会收到两个Parameter。虽然vector中已经有param2,而又因为param1的存在,导致param2的新值会被插入到vector的尾部。这样ROS2 在内部会先将param2设置为20.0,然后又设置成预处理函数中的4.0。

ros2 service call /set_param_callback_node/set_parameters_atomically rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParametersAtomically \
"{parameters: [{name: 'param1', value: {type: 3, double_value: 1.0}}, {name: 'param2', value: {type: 3, double_value: 20.0}}]}"








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