对于 Python 中级程序员来说,国际象棋游戏是一个很酷的项目创意。在熟练使用类的同时,它也是制作图形用户界面应用程序的良好练习。在本教程中,您将学习到
使用 pygame 的基础知识。
学习如何使用 Python 类编码一个国际象棋游戏。
在开始编码之前,让我们先在终端中安装 pygame 模块:
$ pip install pygame
安装好 pygame 后,我们就可以开始设置环境了,按照以下顺序创建我们要使用的 py 文件和文件夹:
> python-chess> data> classes> pieces/* Bishop.py/* King.py/* Knight.py/* Pawn.py/* Queen.py/* Rook.py/* Board.py/* Piece.py/* Square.py> imgs/* main.py
将要用到的国际象棋图标图像移到 python/data/imgs/
让我们从制作 Square
# /* Square.py
import pygame# Tile creator
class Square:def __init__(self, x, y, width, height):self.x = xself.y = yself.width = widthself.height = heightself.abs_x = x * widthself.abs_y = y * heightself.abs_pos = (self.abs_x, self.abs_y)self.pos = (x, y)self.color = 'light' if (x + y) % 2 == 0 else 'dark'self.draw_color = (220, 208, 194) if self.color == 'light' else (53, 53, 53)self.highlight_color = (100, 249, 83) if self.color == 'light' else (0, 228, 10)self.occupying_piece = Noneself.coord = self.get_coord()self.highlight = Falseself.rect = pygame.Rect(self.abs_x,self.abs_y,self.width,self.height)# get the formal notation of the tiledef get_coord(self):columns = 'abcdefgh'return columns[self.x] + str(self.y + 1)def draw(self, display):# configures if tile should be light or dark or highlighted tileif self.highlight:pygame.draw.rect(display, self.highlight_color, self.rect)else:pygame.draw.rect(display, self.draw_color, self.rect)# adds the chess piece iconsif self.occupying_piece != None:centering_rect = self.occupying_piece.img.get_rect()centering_rect.center = self.rect.centerdisplay.blit(self.occupying_piece.img, centering_rect.topleft)
的类。首先,我们要添加 __init__()
函数来获取正方形的宽、高、行 x 和列 y。
有了这些基本信息,我们就可以使用它们来实现其他变量。如上图所示,我们有 self.x
和 self.y
,同时还有 self.abs_x
和 self.abs_y
和 self.abs_y
决定了国际象棋方块在窗口内的绘制位置,我们将它们编译到 self.abs_pos
告诉我们,如果方片能被 2 整除,则应为浅色;如果不能被 2 整除,则应为深色;而 self.draw_color
则告诉我们浅色和深色的颜色配置。我们还有 self.highlight_color
配置了正方形或瓷砖的宽、高和__cpLocation(使用 self.abs_x
和 self.abs_y
会根据实际棋盘上的 x 和 y 返回平铺的名称。字母表示行,数字表示列。如 “a1”,它是国际象棋棋盘中最左下方的棋子。
语句将执行我们所做的配置,在画布上绘制出指定颜色的棋子。第二个 if
# /* Board.pyimport pygame
from data.classes.Square import Square
from data.classes.pieces.Rook import Rook
from data.classes.pieces.Bishop import Bishop
from data.classes.pieces.Knight import Knight
from data.classes.pieces.Queen import Queen
from data.classes.pieces.King import King
from data.classes.pieces.Pawn import Pawn# Game state checker
class Board:def __init__(self, width, height):self.width = widthself.height = heightself.tile_width = width // 8self.tile_height = height // 8self.selected_piece = Noneself.turn = 'white'self.config = [['bR', 'bN', 'bB', 'bQ', 'bK', 'bB', 'bN', 'bR'],['bP', 'bP', 'bP', 'bP', 'bP', 'bP', 'bP', 'bP'],['','','','','','','',''],['','','','','','','',''],['','','','','','','',''],['','','','','','','',''],['wP', 'wP', 'wP', 'wP', 'wP', 'wP', 'wP', 'wP'],['wR', 'wN', 'wB', 'wQ', 'wK', 'wB', 'wN', 'wR'],]self.squares = self.generate_squares()self.setup_board()def generate_squares(self):output = []for y in range(8):for x in range(8):output.append(Square(x, y, self.tile_width, self.tile_height))return outputdef get_square_from_pos(self, pos):for square in self.squares:if (square.x, square.y) == (pos[0], pos[1]):return squaredef get_piece_from_pos(self, pos):return self.get_square_from_pos(pos).occupying_piece
在制作整个国际象棋棋盘时,首先要知道游戏窗口的宽度和高度,这样我们才能将其分为 8 行 8 列,以确定我们的棋子的精确尺寸。
代表棋盘配置,它是一个二维列表,包含了棋子的默认位置。在 self.config 下方,我们配置了 self.squares
,该值调用了 self.generate_squares()
现在我们来创建棋盘的其他部分,包括上面调用的 self.setup_board()
def setup_board(self):for y, row in enumerate(self.config):for x, piece in enumerate(row):if piece != '':square = self.get_square_from_pos((x, y))# looking inside contents, what piece does it haveif piece[1] == 'R':square.occupying_piece = Rook((x, y), 'white' if piece[0] == 'w' else 'black', self)# as you notice above, we put `self` as argument, or means our class Boardelif piece[1] == 'N':square.occupying_piece = Knight((x, y), 'white' if piece[0] == 'w' else 'black', self)elif piece[1] == 'B':square.occupying_piece = Bishop((x, y), 'white' if piece[0] == 'w' else 'black', self)elif piece[1] == 'Q':square.occupying_piece = Queen((x, y), 'white' if piece[0] == 'w' else 'black', self)elif piece[1] == 'K':square.occupying_piece = King((x, y), 'white' if piece[0] == 'w' else 'black', self)elif piece[1] == 'P':square.occupying_piece = Pawn((x, y), 'white' if piece[0] == 'w' else 'black', self)
会创建每个棋子,并通过 self.config
与整个棋盘的映射将它们放到各自的位置。如果 self.config
,那么该棋子必须是空的,如果不是,它将通过 x
和 y
如果是 "N"
;如果是 "P"
。如果是 "R"
,以此类推。配置好字母后,我们将用棋子类的值覆盖当前的 square.occupying_piece
if piece[1] == 'R':square.occupying_piece = Rook((x, y), 'white' if piece[0] == 'w' else 'black', self
我们将 self
作为 Rook
类的参数。这意味着我们将当前的类 Board
我们需要一个函数来检测游戏中的每次点击。因此,让我们在 Board
类中创建 handle_click()
def handle_click(self, mx, my):x = mx // self.tile_widthy = my // self.tile_heightclicked_square = self.get_square_from_pos((x, y))if self.selected_piece is None:if clicked_square.occupying_piece is not None:if clicked_square.occupying_piece.color == self.turn:self.selected_piece = clicked_square.occupying_pieceelif self.selected_piece.move(self, clicked_square):self.turn = 'white' if self.turn == 'black' else 'black'elif clicked_square.occupying_piece is not None:if clicked_square.occupying_piece.color == self.turn:self.selected_piece = clicked_square.occupying_piece
函数接受游戏窗口内点击位置的 x(mx
)和 y(my
)坐标作为参数。该函数中的 x
和 y
变量会计算出您点击的行和列,然后我们将其结果传递给 clicked_square
现在,这个配置可以接收我们在游戏窗口中的每次点击。下面的 if/else 语句会处理我们的点击,如果我们正在移动或只是四处点击的话。
一旦你点击了游戏窗口内的某处,所有操作都会生效,因此我们假设你正在使用一个白色棋子进行游戏,并且已经点击了棋子。如果我们还没有选择任何棋子,那么看起来就像是你点击的那张牌上有棋子,如果轮到你的颜色,如果是,它就是你的 self.select_piece。
在其他类的帮助下,您的棋子可能走的棋步会在游戏中突出显示。选中棋子后,它会将 self.turn
# check state checkerdef is_in_check(self, color, board_change=None): # board_change = [(x1, y1), (x2, y2)]output = Falseking_pos = Nonechanging_piece = Noneold_square = Nonenew_square = Nonenew_square_old_piece = Noneif board_change is not None:for square in self.squares:if square.pos == board_change[0]:changing_piece = square.occupying_pieceold_square = squareold_square.occupying_piece = Nonefor square in self.squares:if square.pos == board_change[1]:new_square = squarenew_square_old_piece = new_square.occupying_piecenew_square.occupying_piece = changing_piecepieces = [i.occupying_piece for i in self.squares if i.occupying_piece is not None]if changing_piece is not None:if changing_piece.notation == 'K':king_pos = new_square.posif king_pos == None:for piece in pieces:if piece.notation == 'K' and piece.color == color:king_pos = piece.posfor piece in pieces:if piece.color != color:for square in piece.attacking_squares(self):if square.pos == king_pos:output = Trueif board_change is not None:old_square.occupying_piece = changing_piecenew_square.occupying_piece = new_square_old_piecereturn output
不为空,就会调用 is_in_check()
在第一次迭代中,它会定位旧棋子的位置,将当前棋子传入 changing_piece
,并清空该棋子;而在第二次迭代中,它会捕捉新棋子的位置,将当前棋子传入 new_square_old_piece
,并从 changing_piece
一旦 changing_piece
不是空的,它就会通过获取 self.notation
来识别它是否是国王。如果是,它将覆盖 king_pos
,并赋予它 new_square.pos
接下来,我们将尝试识别敌方棋子是如何对我方的国王进行检查的,我们将从 if piece.color != color
for piece in pieces:if piece.color != color:for square in piece.attacking_squares(self):if square.pos == king_pos:output = True
),从而获得棋子的所有可能走法。如果棋子在 attacking_squares
中的位置与 king_pos
的值相同,这意味着其中一名棋手已被检查,因此我们将输出设置为 True
现在我们来制作 is_in_checkmate()
# checkmate state checkerdef is_in_checkmate(self, color):output = Falsefor piece in [i.occupying_piece for i in self.squares]:if piece != None:if piece.notation == 'K' and piece.color == color:king = pieceif king.get_valid_moves(self) == []:if self.is_in_check(color):output = Truereturn output
一旦国王的颜色与我们传递的参数相同,它就会尝试查看是否还有剩余的棋步。如果没有,它就会检查棋手是否处于受制状态。如果是这样,那么它将返回输出值 True
现在我们有了所有的棋盘配置;是时候为棋盘类添加最后一个函数了,那就是 draw()
def draw(self, display):if self.selected_piece is not None:self.get_square_from_pos(self.selected_piece.pos).highlight = Truefor square in self.selected_piece.get_valid_moves(self):square.highlight = Truefor square in self.squares:square.draw(display)
现在我们完成了棋盘类,让我们在 Piece.py 中制作另一个棋子类。
# /* Piece.pyimport pygameclass Piece:def __init__(self, pos, color, board):self.pos = posself.x = pos[0]self.y = pos[1]self.color = colorself.has_moved = Falsedef get_moves(self, board):output = []for direction in self.get_possible_moves(board):for square in direction:if square.occupying_piece is not None:if square.occupying_piece.color == self.color:breakelse:output.append(square)breakelse:output.append(square)return output
会获取当前玩家的所有可用棋步,包括攻击敌方棋子。如果敌方棋子在某棋子的移动范围内,该棋子可以吃掉它,其范围将通过 output.append(square)
限制在敌方棋子的位置上,然后断开,除非该棋子是骑士,可以 "L "形移动。
def get_valid_moves(self, board):output = []for square in self.get_moves(board):if not board.is_in_check(self.color, board_change=[self.pos, square.pos]):output.append(square)return output
为了让棋子正常工作,我们将添加一个 move()
def move(self, board, square, force=False):for i in board.squares:i.highlight = Falseif square in self.get_valid_moves(board) or force:prev_square = board.get_square_from_pos(self.pos)self.pos, self.x, self.y = square.pos, square.x, square.yprev_square.occupying_piece = Nonesquare.occupying_piece = selfboard.selected_piece = Noneself.has_moved = True# Pawn promotionif self.notation == ' ':if self.y == 0 or self.y == 7:from data.classes.pieces.Queen import Queensquare.occupying_piece = Queen((self.x, self.y),self.color,board)# Move rook if king castlesif self.notation == 'K':if prev_square.x - self.x == 2:rook = board.get_piece_from_pos((0, self.y))rook.move(board, board.get_square_from_pos((3, self.y)), force=True)elif prev_square.x - self.x == -2:rook = board.get_piece_from_pos((7, self.y))rook.move(board, board.get_square_from_pos((5, self.y)), force=True)return Trueelse:board.selected_piece = Nonereturn False# True for all pieces except pawndef attacking_squares(self, board):return self.get_moves(board)
它以棋盘和方格为参数。如果我们选择移动所选棋子的棋子在 self.get_valid_moves()
函数将使用 board.get_square_from_pos(self.pos)
获得当前的方格,并将其保存在 prev_square
中,同时获得其位置 square.pos
,并将其保存在 self.pos
和 self.y
然后,函数将清空 prev_square
,棋子(self - 当前棋子类)将被移动到 square.occupying_piece
如果我们刚刚移入的棋子的记号是 ' '
,也就是卒,并且到达第 0 行(白棋)或第 7 行(黑棋),那么该卒将被另一个相同颜色的后取代。
如果棋子的标记是 “K”,然后向左或向右移动 2 格,则表示棋手的移动是投子。
# /* Pawn.pyimport pygamefrom data.classes.Piece import Piececlass Pawn(Piece):def __init__(self, pos, color, board):super().__init__(pos, color, board)img_path = 'data/imgs/' + color[0] + '_pawn.png'self.img = pygame.image.load(img_path)self.img = pygame.transform.scale(self.img, (board.tile_width - 35, board.tile_height - 35))self.notation = ' 'def get_possible_moves(self, board):output = []moves = []# move forwardif self.color == 'white':moves.append((0, -1))if not self.has_moved:moves.append((0, -2))elif self.color == 'black':moves.append((0, 1))if not self.has_moved:moves.append((0, 2))for move in moves:new_pos = (self.x, self.y + move[1])if new_pos[1] < 8 and new_pos[1] >= 0:output.append(board.get_square_from_pos(new_pos))return outputdef get_moves(self, board):output = []for square in self.get_possible_moves(board):if square.occupying_piece != None:breakelse:output.append(square)if self.color == 'white':if self.x + 1 < 8 and self.y - 1 >= 0:square = board.get_square_from_pos((self.x + 1, self.y - 1))if square.occupying_piece != None:if square.occupying_piece.color != self.color:output.append(square)if self.x - 1 >= 0 and self.y - 1 >= 0:square = board.get_square_from_pos((self.x - 1, self.y - 1))if square.occupying_piece != None:if square.occupying_piece.color != self.color:output.append(square)elif self.color == 'black':if self.x + 1 < 8 and self.y + 1 < 8:square = board.get_square_from_pos((self.x + 1, self.y + 1))if square.occupying_piece != None:if square.occupying_piece.color != self.color:output.append(square)if self.x - 1 >= 0 and self.y + 1 < 8:square = board.get_square_from_pos((self.x - 1, self.y + 1))if square.occupying_piece != None:if square.occupying_piece.color != self.color:output.append(square)return outputdef attacking_squares(self, board):moves = self.get_moves(board)# return the diagonal moves return [i for i in moves if i.x != self.x]
下面是棋子的代码,无论是黑棋还是白棋。正如您所注意到的,我们在 Pawn 类中使用了 get_moves()
和 attacking_square()
函数,就像在 Piece 类中使用的函数一样,只是使用了不同的脚本。这是因为小卒棋子基本上每次只能从其队伍位置移动一步。小卒也有 3 种可能的移动方式:小卒只能从其起始位置最多移动 2 个棋子,每次可以向前移动 1 步,每次可以捕捉对角线上 1 步的棋子。
正如我们所注意到的,我们还有另一个函数 get_possible_moves()
# /* Kinght.pyimport pygame
from data.classes.Piece import Piececlass Knight(Piece):def __init__(self, pos, color, board):super().__init__(pos, color, board)img_path = 'data/imgs/' + color[0] + '_knight.png'self.img = pygame.image.load(img_path)self.img = pygame.transform.scale(self.img, (board.tile_width - 20, board.tile_height - 20))self.notation = 'N'def get_possible_moves(self, board):output = []moves = [(1, -2),(2, -1),(2, 1),(1, 2),(-1, 2),(-2, 1),(-2, -1),(-1, -2)]for move in moves:new_pos = (self.x + move[0], self.y + move[1])if (new_pos[0] < 8 andnew_pos[0] >= 0 and new_pos[1] < 8 and new_pos[1] >= 0):output.append([board.get_square_from_pos(new_pos)])return output
# /* Bishop.pyimport pygame
from data.classes.Piece import Piececlass Bishop(Piece):def __init__(self, pos, color, board):super().__init__(pos, color, board)img_path = 'data/imgs/' + color[0] + '_bishop.png'self.img = pygame.image.load(img_path)self.img = pygame.transform.scale(self.img, (board.tile_width - 20, board.tile_height - 20))self.notation = 'B'def get_possible_moves(self, board):output = []moves_ne = []for i in range(1, 8):if self.x + i > 7 or self.y - i < 0:breakmoves_ne.append(board.get_square_from_pos((self.x + i, self.y - i)))output.append(moves_ne)moves_se = []for i in range(1, 8):if self.x + i > 7 or self.y + i > 7:breakmoves_se.append(board.get_square_from_pos((self.x + i, self.y + i)))output.append(moves_se)moves_sw = []for i in range(1, 8):if self.x - i < 0 or self.y + i > 7:breakmoves_sw.append(board.get_square_from_pos((self.x - i, self.y + i)))output.append(moves_sw)moves_nw = []for i in range(1, 8):if self.x - i < 0 or self.y - i < 0:breakmoves_nw.append(board.get_square_from_pos((self.x - i, self.y - i)))output.append(moves_nw)return output
# /* Rook.pyimport pygamefrom data.classes.Piece import Piececlass Rook(Piece):def __init__(self, pos, color, board):super().__init__(pos, color, board)img_path = 'data/imgs/' + color[0] + '_rook.png'self.img = pygame.image.load(img_path)self.img = pygame.transform.scale(self.img, (board.tile_width - 20, board.tile_height - 20))self.notation = 'R'def get_possible_moves(self, board):output = []moves_north = []for y in range(self.y)[::-1]:moves_north.append(board.get_square_from_pos((self.x, y)))output.append(moves_north)moves_east = []for x in range(self.x + 1, 8):moves_east.append(board.get_square_from_pos((x, self.y)))output.append(moves_east)moves_south = []for y in range(self.y + 1, 8):moves_south.append(board.get_square_from_pos((self.x, y)))output.append(moves_south)moves_west = []for x in range(self.x)[::-1]:moves_west.append(board.get_square_from_pos((x, self.y)))output.append(moves_west)return output
# /* Queen.pyimport pygame
from data.classes.Piece import Piececlass Queen(Piece):def __init__(self, pos, color, board):super().__init__(pos, color, board)img_path = 'data/imgs/' + color[0] + '_queen.png'self.img = pygame.image.load(img_path)self.img = pygame.transform.scale(self.img, (board.tile_width - 20, board.tile_height - 20))self.notation = 'Q'def get_possible_moves(self, board):output = []moves_north = []for y in range(self.y)[::-1]:moves_north.append(board.get_square_from_pos((self.x, y)))output.append(moves_north)moves_ne = []for i in range(1, 8):if self.x + i > 7 or self.y - i < 0:breakmoves_ne.append(board.get_square_from_pos((self.x + i, self.y - i)))output.append(moves_ne)moves_east = []for x in range(self.x + 1, 8):moves_east.append(board.get_square_from_pos((x, self.y)))output.append(moves_east)moves_se = []for i in range(1, 8):if self.x + i > 7 or self.y + i > 7:breakmoves_se.append(board.get_square_from_pos((self.x + i, self.y + i)))output.append(moves_se)moves_south = []for y in range(self.y + 1, 8):moves_south.append(board.get_square_from_pos((self.x, y)))output.append(moves_south)moves_sw = []for i in range(1, 8):if self.x - i < 0 or self.y + i > 7:breakmoves_sw.append(board.get_square_from_pos((self.x - i, self.y + i)))output.append(moves_sw)moves_west = []for x in range(self.x)[::-1]:moves_west.append(board.get_square_from_pos((x, self.y)))output.append(moves_west)moves_nw = []for i in range(1, 8):if self.x - i < 0 or self.y - i < 0:breakmoves_nw.append(board.get_square_from_pos((self.x - i, self.y - i)))output.append(moves_nw)return output
# /* King.pyimport pygame
from data.classes.Piece import Piececlass King(Piece):def __init__(self, pos, color, board):super().__init__(pos, color, board)img_path = 'data/imgs/' + color[0] + '_king.png'self.img = pygame.image.load(img_path)self.img = pygame.transform.scale(self.img, (board.tile_width - 20, board.tile_height - 20))self.notation = 'K'def get_possible_moves(self, board):output = []moves = [(0,-1), # north(1, -1), # ne(1, 0), # east(1, 1), # se(0, 1), # south(-1, 1), # sw(-1, 0), # west(-1, -1), # nw]for move in moves:new_pos = (self.x + move[0], self.y + move[1])if (new_pos[0] < 8 andnew_pos[0] >= 0 and new_pos[1] < 8 and new_pos[1] >= 0):output.append([board.get_square_from_pos(new_pos)])return outputdef can_castle(self, board):if not self.has_moved:if self.color == 'white':queenside_rook = board.get_piece_from_pos((0, 7))kingside_rook = board.get_piece_from_pos((7, 7))if queenside_rook != None:if not queenside_rook.has_moved:if [board.get_piece_from_pos((i, 7)) for i in range(1, 4)] == [None, None, None]:return 'queenside'if kingside_rook != None:if not kingside_rook.has_moved:if [board.get_piece_from_pos((i, 7)) for i in range(5, 7)] == [None, None]:return 'kingside'elif self.color == 'black':queenside_rook = board.get_piece_from_pos((0, 0))kingside_rook = board.get_piece_from_pos((7, 0))if queenside_rook != None:if not queenside_rook.has_moved:if [board.get_piece_from_pos((i, 0)) for i in range(1, 4)] == [None, None, None]:return 'queenside'if kingside_rook != None:if not kingside_rook.has_moved:if [board.get_piece_from_pos((i, 0)) for i in range(5, 7)] == [None, None]:return 'kingside'def get_valid_moves(self, board):output = []for square in self.get_moves(board):if not board.is_in_check(self.color, board_change=[self.pos, square.pos]):output.append(square)if self.can_castle(board) == 'queenside':output.append(board.get_square_from_pos((self.x - 2, self.y)))if self.can_castle(board) == 'kingside':output.append(board.get_square_from_pos((self.x + 2, self.y)))return output
让我们在 main.py 中添加运行整个游戏的代码,完成游戏:
import pygamefrom data.classes.Board import Boardpygame.init()WINDOW_SIZE = (600, 600)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(WINDOW_SIZE)board = Board(WINDOW_SIZE[0], WINDOW_SIZE[1])def draw(display):display.fill('white')board.draw(display)pygame.display.update()if __name__ == '__main__':running = Truewhile running:mx, my = pygame.mouse.get_pos()for event in pygame.event.get():# Quit the game if the user presses the close buttonif event.type == pygame.QUIT:running = Falseelif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # If the mouse is clickedif event.button == 1:board.handle_click(mx, my)if board.is_in_checkmate('black'): # If black is in checkmateprint('White wins!')running = Falseelif board.is_in_checkmate('white'): # If white is in checkmateprint('Black wins!')running = False# Draw the boarddraw(screen)
如上图所示,我们有 screen
和 board
用于在屏幕上渲染棋盘,这样我们就能看到棋盘上发生的事情。代码 pygame.display.set_mode(WINDOW_SIZE)
我们使用棋盘来制作和处理棋子、棋子位置以及棋格中的棋子。正如你所记得的,在 Board 类代码中,我们给了它两个参数:游戏窗口的长度和宽度。
为了保持游戏运行,我们给了它一个 while
循环,只要 running
的值为 True
只要鼠标位于游戏窗口内,mx, my = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
就会定位鼠标的当前位置。如果在这段代码下面添加 print(mx,my)
event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN
会捕捉你的每次点击。为了识别玩家是否在移动,每次捕捉到玩家点击时,我们从 pygame.mouse.get_pos()
中得到的鼠标当前位置都会发送到 Board.handle_click()
好了,现在让我们试试这个游戏。如果运行正常,请在终端中移动到保存 Main.py
文件的目录,然后运行 Main.py
要制作棋盘,你应该有一个 Square
类来创建处理国际象棋的棋子,同时也要注意它所包含的棋子,还有一个叫做 Board
的类,它包含游戏规则。我们还需要为从 Pawn
到 King
的每个棋子创建类。这就是用 Python 制作国际象棋游戏的方法,只需使用类和 pygame