npm error electron_mirror is not a valid npm option
windows 11
node v20.15.0
npm v10.7.0详情
在运行 npm run mirror 命令时出现错误。这是一个设置镜像的命令。
Clicking a tiny box tells Google all they need to know about your humanity 你好,我是 Jiabcdefh。 if you’ve browsed the internet for any amount of time, you will likely come across a reCAPTCHA box. These boxes appear when you first enter certain websites…
I load a float32 Hugging Face model, cast it to float16, and save it. How can I load it as float16?
我加载了一个float32的Hugging Face模型,将其转换为float16,并保存了。我该如何以float16的形式加载它呢? 问题…
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MySQL下载地址:MySQL :: Download MySQL Community Server (Archived Versions) #下载wget解压tar -xvf ./mysql-server_5.7.29-1ubuntu18…