- 非线性的,树是层级结构。
- 基本单位是节点,每个节点最多2个子节点。
- 有序。每个节点,其左子节点都比它小,其右子节点都比它大。
- 每个子树都是一个二叉搜索树。每个节点及其所有子节点形成子树。
- 可以是空树。
typedef struct Link
{LinkNode *root; // 根节点int length; // 统计有多少数据
} LinkBST; // 别名
LinkBST bst;
bst.root = NULL; // 根节点,初始化为NULL
bst.length = 0; // 数据个数,初始化为0
// 节点(结构体数据类型)
typedef struct Node
{int value; // 数据类型为整型struct Node *left; // 左子节点struct Node *right; // 右子节点
} LinkNode; // 别名
// 函数:创建节点
LinkNode *createNode(int data)
{LinkNode *node = (LinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode)); // 分配节点内存空间if(node == NULL){perror("Memory allocation failed");exit(-1);}node->value = data; // 数据node->left = NULL; // 左子节点,初始化为NULLnode->right = NULL; // 右子节点,初始化为NULLreturn node;
void add(LinkBST *bst, int data) // add a element to the tree
{LinkNode *newNode = createNode(data);// 若是空树,根节点就是新节点if(bst->root == NULL){bst->root = newNode;bst->length++;return ;}// 非空树,比根节点数值小,往左边比对,比根节点数值大,往右边比对LinkNode *cur = bst->root;while(1){if(data == cur->value) return ;if(data < cur->value){if(cur->left == NULL){cur->left = newNode;bst->length++;return ;}cur = cur->left;}else if(data > cur->value){if(cur->right == NULL){cur->right = newNode;bst->length++;return ;}cur = cur->right;}}
- 若删除的节点为叶子节点(即无子节点),则直接删除。
- 若删除的节点只有左子节点,则左子节点替代删除节点。
- 若删除的节点只有右子节点,则右子节点替代删除节点。
- 若删除的节点既有左子节点又有右子节点,则找到直接前驱(即删除节点的左子树中的最大值,即删除节点的左子节点的最右节点),直接前驱的值替代删除节点的值,删除直接前驱节点。
void delete(LinkBST *bst,int data) // delete a element from the tree
{// 函数:删除节点的具体操作LinkNode *del(LinkNode *node){// 只有右子节点,右子节点替代删除节点if(node->left == NULL){bst->length--;return node->right;}// 只有左子节点,左子节点替代删除节点if(node->right == NULL){bst->length--;return node->left;}// 左右子节点都有,直接前驱(左子节点的最右节点,即左子树中最大值)替代删除节点,删除直接前驱if(node->left && node->right){LinkNode *tmp = node, *cur = node->left;while(cur->right){tmp = cur;cur = cur->right;}node->value = cur->value;bst->length--;if(tmp != node) tmp->right = cur->left;else tmp->left = cur->left;return node;}}// 函数:找到删除节点void delNode(int data){LinkNode *parent, *cur = bst->root;while(1){if(cur == NULL) return ;if(data == cur->value){// 删除节点若是根节点,根节点接收删除后的节点if(cur == bst->root) bst->root = del(cur);// 删除节点若是左子节点,父节点的左子节点接收删除后的节点else if(data < parent->value) parent->left = del(cur);// 删除节点若是右子节点,父节点的右子节点接收删除后的节点else if(data > parent->value) parent->right = del(cur);return ;}if(data < cur->value){parent = cur;cur = cur->left;}else if(data > cur->value){parent = cur;cur = cur->right;}}}// 空树,直接退出程序if(bst->root == NULL) return ;delNode(data);
void pretraverse(LinkBST *bst) // show element one by one,(root,left,right)
{LinkNode *cur = NULL;// 指针数组(数组元素是指针),实现栈(后进先出)LinkNode *arr[bst->length];int n = 1;arr[n-1] = bst->root;printf("pretravel: ");while(n != 0){cur = arr[n-1];printf("%d ", cur->value);n--;if(cur->right){arr[n] = cur->right;n++;}if(cur->left){arr[n] = cur->left;n++;}}printf("\n");
void midtraverse(LinkBST *bst) // show element one by one,(left,root,right)
{printf("midtravel: ");LinkNode *cur = bst->root;// 指针数组(数组元素是指针),实现栈(后进先出)LinkNode *arr[bst->length];int n = 0;while(cur || n != 0){if(cur){arr[n] = cur;n++;cur = cur->left;}else{cur = arr[n-1];printf("%d ", cur->value);n--;cur = cur->right;}}printf("\n");
void posttraverse(LinkBST *bst) // show element one by one,(left,right,root)
{LinkNode *cur = NULL;// 指针数组(数组元素是指针),实现栈(后进先出)LinkNode *arr[bst->length]; // 辅助栈LinkNode *brr[bst->length]; // 目标栈int n = 1, m = 0;arr[n-1] = bst->root;while(n != 0){ cur = brr[m] = arr[n-1]; // 辅助栈出栈,目标栈入栈n--;m++;if(cur->left){arr[n] = cur->left; // 辅助栈入栈n++;}if(cur->right){arr[n] = cur->right; // 辅助栈入栈n++;}}// 遍历目标栈printf("posttravel: ");for(int i = m - 1; i >= 0; i--){printf("%d ", brr[i]->value);}printf("\n");
void breadthtraverse(LinkBST *bst) // show element one by one,(levels)
{printf("threadtravel: ");// 链表:实现队列(先进先出),注:链表的函数在bstqueue.c(完整代码中展示)Queue queue;queue.header = createQnode(bst->root); // 头指针,指向第一个元素queue.tail = NULL; // 尾指针,指向最后一个元素LinkNode *cur = NULL;while(queue.header){cur = queue.header->bstnode;printf("%d ", cur->value);popQnode(&queue); // 从队头出队(函数在bstqueue.c)if(cur->left){addQnode(&queue, cur->left); // 从队尾入队(函数在bstqueue.c)}if(cur->right){addQnode(&queue, cur->right); // 从队尾入队(函数在bstqueue.c)}}printf("\n");
int find(LinkNode *node, int data) // if find data,return 1(true),or return 0(false)
{LinkNode *cur = node;while(cur){if(data == cur->value) return 1;if(data < cur->value) cur = cur->left;else if(data > cur->value) cur = cur->right;}return 0;
// bstree.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "bstqueue.c" // 引入链表实现的队列,用于广度遍历/* structure */
typedef struct Node // node of the binary search tree(bst)
{int value; // data type is integerstruct Node *left; // left child nodestruct Node *right; // right child node
} LinkNode;typedef struct Link //bst(Linkedlist)
{LinkNode *root; // root nodeint length; // the number of the tree
} LinkBST;/* function prototype */
void add(LinkBST *, int); // add a element
void delete(LinkBST *,int); // delete a element
void pretraverse(LinkBST *); // show element one by one,(root,left,right)
void midtraverse(LinkBST *); // show element one by one,(left,root,right)
void posttraverse(LinkBST *); // show element one by one,(left,right,root)
void breadthtraverse(LinkBST *); // show element one by one,(levels)
int find(LinkNode *, int); // if find data,return 1(true),or return 0(false)/* main function */
int main(void)
{// create binary search tree and initializationLinkBST bst;bst.root = NULL;bst.length = 0;printf("isempty(1:true, 0:false): %d, length is %d\n", bst.root==NULL, bst.length);add(&bst, 15);add(&bst, 8);add(&bst, 23);add(&bst, 19);add(&bst, 10);add(&bst, 6);add(&bst, 9);add(&bst, 12);printf("isempty(1:true, 0:false): %d, length is %d\n", bst.root==NULL, bst.length);pretraverse(&bst);midtraverse(&bst);posttraverse(&bst);breadthtraverse(&bst);printf("find 10(1:true, 0:false): %d\n", find(bst.root, 10));printf("find 11(1:true, 0:false): %d\n", find(bst.root, 11));delete(&bst, 23);delete(&bst, 15);delete(&bst, 6);printf("isempty(1:true, 0:false): %d, length is %d\n", bst.root==NULL, bst.length);pretraverse(&bst);midtraverse(&bst);posttraverse(&bst);breadthtraverse(&bst);return 0;
}/* subfunction */
LinkNode *createNode(int data) // create a node of the binary search tree
{LinkNode *node = (LinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));if(node == NULL){perror("Memory allocation failed");exit(-1);}node->value = data;node->left = NULL;node->right = NULL;return node;
}void add(LinkBST *bst, int data) // add a element to the tree
{LinkNode *newNode = createNode(data);// if empty, root is newNodeif(bst->root == NULL){bst->root = newNode;bst->length++;return ;}// if not empty, smaller,to left, biger,to rightLinkNode *cur = bst->root;while(1){if(data == cur->value) return ;if(data < cur->value){if(cur->left == NULL){cur->left = newNode;bst->length++;return ;}cur = cur->left;}else if(data > cur->value){if(cur->right == NULL){cur->right = newNode;bst->length++;return ;}cur = cur->right;}}
}void delete(LinkBST *bst,int data) // delete a element from the tree
{// subfunction: delete the nodeLinkNode *del(LinkNode *node){// if only right child, return right child nodeif(node->left == NULL){bst->length--;return node->right;}// if only left child, return left child nodeif(node->right == NULL){bst->length--;return node->left;}// both left and right, the max from the left replace the delete node and delete itif(node->left && node->right){LinkNode *tmp = node, *cur = node->left;while(cur->right){tmp = cur;cur = cur->right;}node->value = cur->value;bst->length--;if(tmp != node) tmp->right = cur->left;else tmp->left = cur->left;return node;}}// subfunction: find the delete nodevoid delNode(int data){LinkNode *parent, *cur = bst->root;while(1){if(cur == NULL) return ;if(data == cur->value){// if delete node is root,root receive the node after deleteif(cur == bst->root) bst->root = del(cur);// if delete node is left, parent left receive the node after deleteelse if(data < parent->value) parent->left = del(cur);//if delete node is right,parent right receive the node after deleteelse if(data > parent->value) parent->right = del(cur);return ;}if(data < cur->value){parent = cur;cur = cur->left;}else if(data > cur->value){parent = cur;cur = cur->right;}}}if(bst->root == NULL) return ;delNode(data);
}void pretraverse(LinkBST *bst) // show element one by one,(root,left,right)
{LinkNode *cur = NULL;// pointer array(stack:LIFO): array, each element is a pointer(point to node)LinkNode *arr[bst->length];int n = 1;arr[n-1] = bst->root;printf("pretravel: ");while(n != 0){cur = arr[n-1];printf("%d ", cur->value);n--;if(cur->right){arr[n] = cur->right;n++;}if(cur->left){arr[n] = cur->left;n++;}}printf("\n");
}void midtraverse(LinkBST *bst) // show element one by one,(left,root,right)
{printf("midtravel: ");LinkNode *cur = bst->root;// pointer array(stack:LIFO): array, each element is a pointer(point to node)LinkNode *arr[bst->length];int n = 0;while(cur || n != 0){if(cur){arr[n] = cur;n++;cur = cur->left;}else{cur = arr[n-1];printf("%d ", cur->value);n--;cur = cur->right;}}printf("\n");
}void posttraverse(LinkBST *bst) // show element one by one,(left,right,root)
{LinkNode *cur = NULL;// pointer array(stack:LIFO): array, each element is a pointer(point to node)LinkNode *arr[bst->length];LinkNode *brr[bst->length];int n = 1, m = 0;arr[n-1] = bst->root;while(n != 0){ cur = brr[m] = arr[n-1];n--;m++;if(cur->left){arr[n] = cur->left;n++;}if(cur->right){arr[n] = cur->right;n++;}}printf("posttravel: ");for(int i = m - 1; i >= 0; i--){printf("%d ", brr[i]->value);}printf("\n");
}void breadthtraverse(LinkBST *bst) // show element one by one,(levels)
{printf("threadtravel: ");// queue(FIFO): use Linkedlist implementationQueue queue;queue.header = createQnode(bst->root);queue.tail = NULL;LinkNode *cur = NULL;while(queue.header){cur = queue.header->bstnode;printf("%d ", cur->value);popQnode(&queue);if(cur->left){addQnode(&queue, cur->left);}if(cur->right){addQnode(&queue, cur->right);}}printf("\n");
}int find(LinkNode *node, int data) // if find data,return 1(true),or return 0(false)
{LinkNode *cur = node;while(cur){if(data == cur->value) return 1;if(data < cur->value) cur = cur->left;else if(data > cur->value) cur = cur->right;}return 0;
// bstqueue.c
#include <stdlib.h>/* structure */
typedef struct queueNode // node of the queue
{void *bstnode; // data type is bst nodestruct queueNode *next; // point to next node
} Qnode;typedef struct queue // queue(Linkedlist)
{Qnode *header; // point to the top nodeQnode *tail; // point to the last node
} Queue;/* subfunction */
Qnode *createQnode(void *bstnode) // create a node of the queue
{Qnode *node = (Qnode *)malloc(sizeof(Qnode));if(node == NULL){perror("Memory allocation failed");exit(-1);}node->bstnode = bstnode;node->next = NULL;return node;
}void addQnode(Queue *queue, void *node) // add a element to the end of the queue
{Qnode *qnode = createQnode(node);if(queue->tail == NULL) queue->tail = queue->header = qnode;else{queue->tail->next = qnode;queue->tail = qnode;}
}void popQnode(Queue *queue) // delete a element from the top of the queue
{queue->header = queue->header->next;if(queue->header == NULL) queue->tail = NULL;
编译链接: gcc -o bstree bstree.c
执行可执行文件: ./bstree