5.How Fast Should You Be When Learning?(你应该用多快的速度学习? (二))

Are you failing to reach an ideal or you don't know what the ideal is? 你是否没有达到理想状态,或者不知道理想状态是什么?

A lot of learing involves having a mental representation of what the ideal performance ought to be, a method or approach to achieve said performance, and then working towards implementing that method with your mind.

There are therefore two distinct problems you can encounter when you’re trying to learn something.The first is that you have a clear picture of what you’d like to do, and how you’re going to do it, but you’re simply unable to implement the approach you’ve chosen.In these cases, slowing things down is usually beter.By slowing down the speed of the overall process you can devote more attentions to each aspect of the problem.Only once you’re able to do it correctly does it make sense to ry to do it faster.Rushing this only results in making mistakes.

Drawing portraits, it was better that I focus on applying the method the best I possibly could, rather than artificially give myself time constraints, which would have caused me to mess up more things and have a harder time mastering the technique.Similarly, when I want to improve my writing, I usually form a clear idea of what kind of essay I want to write and slow down my process until that form is achivabel.

The second type of problem, however, is when you’re not even sure what the ideal should be and need more information to figure this out.

A new writer may need to pen a sozen or more essays to get a sense of the kind of writing they’d like to create.You may need to do a few dozen sketches before figuring out where your artistic deficits lie.Faster means more feedback and solving these problems earlier.

The best example of speed leading to greater quality is often in entrepreneurial domains.The problems being solved here are often related closely to identifying what is the ideal to reach, as opposed to mastering the execution of that ideal.Many businesses fail because the founder picked the wrong problem to solve and wasted too much time trying to solve it.

Ask yourself,"Do I know what I’d kike to do, and what approach I should take to do it?"Or, “I’m not sure what’s the right way to approach this?” The former suggests slowing thins down, the latter suggests getting faster feedback.These aren’t the only considerations that matter for speed, but it’s a useful heuristic.

The balance between going faster and doing it right depends on a trade-off.Faster feedback means you get more information allowing you to explore the problem space to figure out what the key challenges are and possible stratgies for overcoming them.Thus faster is better.Slowing thins down, on the other hand, helps you home in on a strategy you’ve already chosen, allowing you to execute it correctly.Thus slower is also better.

Many(if not most) things you want to learn involve these kinds of trade-offs.You want to space out the things you want to learn to extend your memory, except not so far that you’ll forget.You want to take advantage of direct practice to minimize transfer failures but also do drills to give yourself more space to master components.
你想学的许多(甚至大多数) 内容都包含这样的取舍。你希望间隔学习想要学的东西,从而延长记忆时间,但又不间隔太久以致忘记。你想通过直接实践减少能力迁移的失败,但也想通过做练习给自己时间掌握各个方面。

The meta-heuristic I use when dealing with these problems is to to both and feel out which seems to be helping more.So if I were unsure whether my struggles in a new domain were due to inadequate breadth of feedback or inadequate mental bandwidth to do things properly, I might spend ten hours doing both faster and slower practice and see which seems to be bearing more fruit.

If you can adopt the above approach you rarely get “stuck”, but it also requires more self-awareness to monitor your own progress.




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