using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;[System.Serializable]
public class Student
{public int age;public string name;public Student(int age, string name){this.age = age;this.name = name;}
}public class Player
{public string name;public int age;public bool sex;public float testF;public double testD;public int[] ids;public List<int> ids2;public Dictionary<int, string> dic;public Dictionary<string, string> dic2;public Student s1;public List<Student> s2s;[SerializeField]private int privateI = 1;[SerializeField]protected int protectedI = 2;
}public class RoleData
{public List<RoleInfo> list;
public class RoleInfo
{public int hp;public int speed;public int volume;public string resName;public int scale;
}public class Lesson1 : MonoBehaviour
{// Start is called before the first frame updatevoid Start(){#region 知识点一 JsonUtility是什么//JsonUtility 是Unity自带的用于解析Json的公共类//它可以//1.将内存中对象序列化为Json格式的字符串//2.将Json字符串反序列化为类对象#endregion#region 知识点二 必备知识点——在文件中存读字符串//1.存储字符串到指定路径文件中//第一个参数 填写的是 存储的路径//第二个参数 填写的是 存储的字符串内容//注意:第一个参数 必须是存在的文件路径 如果没有对应文件夹 会报错File.WriteAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/Test.json", "Sunset存储的json文件");print(Application.persistentDataPath);//2.在指定路径文件中读取字符串string str = File.ReadAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/Test.json");print(str);#endregion#region 知识点三 使用JsonUtility进行序列化//序列化:把内存中的数据 存储到硬盘上//方法://JsonUtility.ToJson(对象)Player p = new Player();p.name = "Sunset";p.age = 18;p.sex = true;p.testF = 1.5f;p.testD = 2.2;p.ids = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };p.ids2 = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3 };p.dic = new Dictionary<int, string>() { { 1, "123" }, { 2, "234" } };p.dic2 = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "3", "345" }, { "4", "456" } };p.s1 = null; //new Student(16, "Jack");p.s2s = new List<Student> { new Student(17, "Mary"), new Student(20, "Tom") };//JsonUtility提供了现成的方法 可以把类对象 序列化为 Json字符串string jsonStr = JsonUtility.ToJson(p);File.WriteAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/Player.json", jsonStr);//注意://1.float序列化时看起来会有一些误差//2.自定义类需要加上序列化特性[System.Serializable]//3.想要序列化私有变量 需要加上特性[SerializeField]//4.JsonUtility不支持字典//5.IsonUtility存储null对象不会是null 而是默认值的数据#endregion#region 知识点四 使用JsonUtility进行反序列化//反序列化:把硬盘上的数据 读取到内存中//方法://JsonUtility.FromJson(字符串)//读取文件中的 Json字符串jsonStr = File.ReadAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/Player.json");//使用Json字符串内容 转换成类对象Player p2 = JsonUtility.FromJson(jsonStr, typeof(Player)) as Player; //这种写法比较少用Player p3 = JsonUtility.FromJson<Player>(jsonStr); //这个写法常用//注意://如果Json中数据少了,读取到内存中类对象中时不会报错#endregion#region 知识点五 注意事项//1.JsonUtilitu无法直接读取数据集合jsonStr = File.ReadAllText(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/RoleInfo2.json");print(jsonStr);//List<RoleInfo> roleInfoList = JsonUtility.FromJson<List<RoleInfo>>(jsonStr);RoleData data = JsonUtility.FromJson<RoleData>(jsonStr);//2.文件编码格式需要是 UTF-8 不然无法加载#endregion#region 总结//1.必备知识点 —— File存读字符串的方法 ReadAllText 和 WriteAllText//2.JsonUtility提供的序列化、反序列化方法 ToJson 和 FromJson//3.自定义类需要加上序列化特性 [System.Serializable]//4.私有保护成员 需要加上 [SerializeField]//5.JsonUtility 不支持字典//6.JsonUtility 不能直接将数据反序列化为数据集合//7.Json文档编码格式必须是 UTF-8#endregion}// Update is called once per framevoid Update(){}
using LitJson;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;public class Item2
{public int id;public int num;//LitJson反序列化时 自定义类型需要无参构造public Item2() { }public Item2(int id, int num){this.id = id;this.num = num;}
}public class PlayerInfo2
{public string name;public int atk;public int def;public float moveSpeed;public double roundSpeed;public Item2 weapon; public List<int> listInt;public List<Item2> itemList;//public Dictionary<int, Item2> itemDic;public Dictionary<string, Item2> itemDic2;
}public class Lesson2_Test : MonoBehaviour
{// Start is called before the first frame updatevoid Start(){PlayerInfo2 p = new PlayerInfo2();p.name = "Sunstet";p.atk = 10;p.def = 3;p.moveSpeed = 20;p.roundSpeed = 20;p.weapon = new Item2(1, 10);p.listInt = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };p.itemList = new List<Item2>() { new Item2(2, 20), new Item2(3, 30) };//p.itemDic = new Dictionary<int, Item2>() { { 1, new Item2(4, 40) }, { 2, new Item2(5, 50) } };p.itemDic2 = new Dictionary<string, Item2> { { "3", new Item2(6, 60) }, { "4", new Item2(7, 70) } };SaveData(p, "PlayerInfo2");PlayerInfo2 p2 = LoadData("PlayerInfo2");}public void SaveData(PlayerInfo2 p, string path){string jsonStr = JsonMapper.ToJson(p);File.WriteAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + path + ".json", jsonStr);print(Application.persistentDataPath);}public PlayerInfo2 LoadData(string path){string jsonSr = File.ReadAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + path + ".json");return JsonMapper.ToObject<PlayerInfo2>(jsonSr);}
JsonUtility 和 LitJson对比
需求分析 + Json数据管理类创建
using LitJson;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;/// <summary>
/// 序列化和反序列化Json时 使用的是哪种方案
/// </summary>
public enum JsonType
}/// <summary>
/// Json数据管理类 主要用于进行 Json的序列化存储到硬盘 和 反序列化从硬盘中读取到内存中
/// </summary>
public class JsonMgr
{private static JsonMgr instance = new JsonMgr();public static JsonMgr Instance => instance;public JsonMgr() { }//存储Json数据 序列化public void SaveData(object data, string fileName, JsonType type = JsonType.LitJson){#region 自己写//string jsonStr = "";//switch (type)//{// case JsonType.JsonUtility:// jsonStr = JsonUtility.ToJson(data);// break;// case JsonType.LitJson:// jsonStr = JsonMapper.ToJson(data);// break;//}//File.WriteAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + fileName + ".json", jsonStr);#endregion//确定存储路径string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + fileName + ".json";//序列化 得到Json字符串string jsonStr = "";switch (type){case JsonType.JsonUtility:jsonStr = JsonUtility.ToJson(data);break;case JsonType.LitJson:jsonStr = JsonMapper.ToJson(data);break;}//把序列化的Json字符串 存储到指定路径的文件中File.WriteAllText(path, jsonStr);}/// <summary>/// 读取指定文件中的数据 反序列化/// </summary>/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>/// <param name="fileName"></param>/// <param name="type"></param>/// <returns></returns>public T LoadData<T>(string fileName, JsonType type = JsonType.LitJson) where T : new(){//确定从哪个路径读取//首先先判断 默认数据文件夹中是否有我们想要的数据 如果有 就从中获取string path = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/" + fileName + ".json";//先判断 是否重载这个文件//如果不存在默认文件 就从 读写文件夹中去寻找if (!File.Exists(path))path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + fileName + ".json";//如果读写文件夹中都还没有 那就返回一个默认对象if (!File.Exists(path))return new T();//进行反序列化string jsonStr = File.ReadAllText(path);//把对象返回出去//数据对象T data = default(T);switch (type){case JsonType.JsonUtility:data = JsonUtility.FromJson<T>(jsonStr);break;case JsonType.LitJson:data = JsonMapper.ToObject<T>(jsonStr);break;}return data;}}